
Main bbPress Class


"How doth the little busy bee, improve each shining hour…"


File: bp-forums/classes/class-bbpress.php

final class bbPress {

    /** Magic *****************************************************************/

     * bbPress uses many variables, several of which can be filtered to
     * customize the way it operates. Most of these variables are stored in a
     * private array that gets updated with the help of PHP magic methods.
     * This is a precautionary measure, to avoid potential errors produced by
     * unanticipated direct manipulation of bbPress's run-time data.
     * @see bbPress::setup_globals()
     * @var array
    private $data;

    /** Not Magic *************************************************************/

     * @var mixed False when not logged in; WP_User object when logged in
    public $current_user = false;

     * @var obj Add-ons append to this (Akismet, BuddyBoss, etc...)
    public $extend;

     * @var array Topic views
    public $views        = array();

     * @var array Overloads get_option()
    public $options      = array();

     * @var array Overloads get_user_meta()
    public $user_options = array();

    /** Singleton *************************************************************/

     * Main bbPress Instance
     * bbPress is fun
     * Please load it only one time
     * For this, we thank you
     * Insures that only one instance of bbPress exists in memory at any one
     * time. Also prevents needing to define globals all over the place.
     * @since bbPress (r3757)
     * @staticvar object $instance
     * @uses bbPress::setup_globals() Setup the globals needed
     * @uses bbPress::includes() Include the required files
     * @uses bbPress::setup_actions() Setup the hooks and actions
     * @see bbpress()
     * @return The one true bbPress
    public static function instance() {

        // Store the instance locally to avoid private static replication
        static $instance = null;

        // Only run these methods if they haven't been ran previously
        if ( null === $instance ) {
            $instance = new bbPress;

        // Always return the instance
        return $instance;

    /** Magic Methods *********************************************************/

     * A dummy constructor to prevent Forums from being loaded more than once.
     * @since bbPress (r2464)
     * @see bbPress::instance()
     * @see bbpress();
    private function __construct() { /* Do nothing here */ }

     * A dummy magic method to prevent Forums from being cloned
     * @since bbPress (r2464)
    public function __clone() { _doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, __( 'Cheatin\' huh?', 'buddyboss' ), '2.1' ); }

     * A dummy magic method to prevent Forums from being unserialized
     * @since bbPress (r2464)
    public function __wakeup() { _doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, __( 'Cheatin\' huh?', 'buddyboss' ), '2.1' ); }

     * Magic method for checking the existence of a certain custom field
     * @since bbPress (r3951)
    public function __isset( $key ) { return isset( $this->data[$key] ); }

     * Magic method for getting Forums variables
     * @since bbPress (r3951)
    public function __get( $key ) { return isset( $this->data[$key] ) ? $this->data[$key] : null; }

     * Magic method for setting Forums variables
     * @since bbPress (r3951)
    public function __set( $key, $value ) { $this->data[$key] = $value; }

     * Magic method for unsetting Forums variables
     * @since bbPress (r4628)
    public function __unset( $key ) { if ( isset( $this->data[$key] ) ) unset( $this->data[$key] ); }

     * Magic method to prevent notices and errors from invalid method calls
     * @since bbPress (r4252)
    public function __call( $name = '', $args = array() ) { unset( $name, $args ); return null; }

    /** Private Methods *******************************************************/

     * Set some smart defaults to class variables. Allow some of them to be
     * filtered to allow for early overriding.
     * @since bbPress (r2626)
     * @access private
     * @uses plugin_dir_path() To generate Forums plugin path
     * @uses plugin_dir_url() To generate Forums plugin url
     * @uses apply_filters() Calls various filters
    private function setup_globals() {

        /** Versions **********************************************************/

        $this->version    = '2.5.14-6684';
        $this->db_version = '250';

        /** Paths *************************************************************/

        // Setup some base path and URL information
        $this->file       = __FILE__;
		$this->basename   = apply_filters( 'bbp_plugin_basename', plugin_basename( buddypress()->file ) );
		$this->plugin_dir = apply_filters( 'bbp_plugin_dir_path', buddypress()->plugin_dir . 'bp-forums/' );
		$this->plugin_url = apply_filters( 'bbp_plugin_dir_url',  buddypress()->plugin_url . 'bp-forums/' );

        // Includes
        $this->includes_dir = apply_filters( 'bbp_includes_dir', trailingslashit( $this->plugin_dir ) );
        $this->includes_url = apply_filters( 'bbp_includes_url', trailingslashit( $this->plugin_url ) );

        // Templates
        $this->themes_dir   = apply_filters( 'bbp_themes_dir',   trailingslashit( $this->plugin_dir . 'templates' ) );
        $this->themes_url   = apply_filters( 'bbp_themes_url',   trailingslashit( $this->plugin_url . 'templates' ) );

        /** Identifiers *******************************************************/

        // Post type identifiers
        $this->forum_post_type   = apply_filters( 'bbp_forum_post_type',  'forum'     );
        $this->topic_post_type   = apply_filters( 'bbp_topic_post_type',  'topic'     );
        $this->reply_post_type   = apply_filters( 'bbp_reply_post_type',  'reply'     );
        $this->topic_tag_tax_id  = apply_filters( 'bbp_topic_tag_tax_id', 'topic-tag' );

        // Status identifiers
        $this->spam_status_id    = apply_filters( 'bbp_spam_post_status',    'spam'    );
        $this->closed_status_id  = apply_filters( 'bbp_closed_post_status',  'closed'  );
        $this->orphan_status_id  = apply_filters( 'bbp_orphan_post_status',  'orphan'  );
        $this->public_status_id  = apply_filters( 'bbp_public_post_status',  'publish' );
        $this->pending_status_id = apply_filters( 'bbp_pending_post_status', 'pending' );
        $this->private_status_id = apply_filters( 'bbp_private_post_status', 'private' );
        $this->hidden_status_id  = apply_filters( 'bbp_hidden_post_status',  'hidden'  );
        $this->trash_status_id   = apply_filters( 'bbp_trash_post_status',   'trash'   );

        // Other identifiers
        $this->user_id           = apply_filters( 'bbp_user_id',   'bbp_user'   );
        $this->tops_id           = apply_filters( 'bbp_tops_id',   'bbp_tops'   );
        $this->reps_id           = apply_filters( 'bbp_reps_id',   'bbp_reps'   );
        $this->favs_id           = apply_filters( 'bbp_favs_id',   'bbp_favs'   );
        $this->subs_id           = apply_filters( 'bbp_subs_id',   'bbp_subs'   );
        $this->view_id           = apply_filters( 'bbp_view_id',   'bbp_view'   );
        $this->edit_id           = apply_filters( 'bbp_edit_id',   'edit'       );
        $this->paged_id          = apply_filters( 'bbp_paged_id',  'paged'      );
        $this->search_id         = apply_filters( 'bbp_search_id', 'bbp_search' );

        /** Queries ***********************************************************/

        $this->current_view_id      = 0; // Current view id
        $this->current_forum_id     = 0; // Current forum id
        $this->current_topic_id     = 0; // Current topic id
        $this->current_reply_id     = 0; // Current reply id
        $this->current_topic_tag_id = 0; // Current topic tag id

        $this->forum_query    = new WP_Query(); // Main forum query
        $this->topic_query    = new WP_Query(); // Main topic query
        $this->reply_query    = new WP_Query(); // Main reply query
        $this->search_query   = new WP_Query(); // Main search query

        /** Theme Compat ******************************************************/

        $this->theme_compat   = new stdClass(); // Base theme compatibility class
        $this->filters        = new stdClass(); // Used when adding/removing filters

        /** Users *************************************************************/

        $this->current_user   = new WP_User(); // Currently logged in user
        $this->displayed_user = new WP_User(); // Currently displayed user

        /** Misc **************************************************************/

        $this->domain         = 'bbpress';      // Unique identifier for retrieving translated strings
        $this->extend         = new stdClass(); // Plugins add data here
        $this->errors         = new WP_Error(); // Feedback
        $this->tab_index      = apply_filters( 'bbp_default_tab_index', 100 );

     * Include required files
     * @since bbPress (r2626)
     * @access private
     * @uses is_admin() If in WordPress admin, load additional file
    private function includes() {

        /** Core **************************************************************/

        require( $this->includes_dir . 'core/sub-actions.php'        );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'core/functions.php'          );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'core/cache.php'              );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'core/options.php'            );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'core/capabilities.php'       );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'core/update.php'             );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'core/template-functions.php' );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'core/template-loader.php'    );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'core/theme-compat.php'       );

        /** Components ********************************************************/

        // Common
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'common/ajax.php'          );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'common/classes.php'       );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'common/functions.php'     );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'common/formatting.php'    );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'common/locale.php'        );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'common/template.php'      );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'common/widgets.php'       );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'common/shortcodes.php'    );

        // Forums
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'forums/capabilities.php'  );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'forums/functions.php'     );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'forums/template.php'      );

        // Topics
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'topics/capabilities.php'  );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'topics/functions.php'     );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'topics/template.php'      );

        // Replies
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'replies/capabilities.php' );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'replies/functions.php'    );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'replies/template.php'     );

        // Search
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'search/functions.php'     );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'search/template.php'      );

        // Users
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'users/capabilities.php'   );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'users/functions.php'      );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'users/template.php'       );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'users/options.php'        );

        /** Hooks *************************************************************/

        require( $this->includes_dir . 'core/extend.php'  );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'core/actions.php' );
        require( $this->includes_dir . 'core/filters.php' );

        /** Admin *************************************************************/

        // Quick admin check and load if needed
        if ( is_admin() ) {
            require( $this->includes_dir . 'admin/admin.php'   );
            require( $this->includes_dir . 'admin/actions.php' );

     * Setup the default hooks and actions
     * @since bbPress (r2644)
     * @access private
     * @uses add_action() To add various actions
    private function setup_actions() {

        // Add actions to plugin activation and deactivation hooks
        add_action( 'activate_'   . $this->basename, 'bbp_activation'   );
        add_action( 'deactivate_' . $this->basename, 'bbp_deactivation' );

        // If Forums is being deactivated, do not add any actions
        if ( bbp_is_deactivation( $this->basename ) )

        // Array of Forums core actions
        $actions = array(
            'setup_theme',              // Setup the default theme compat
            'setup_current_user',       // Setup currently logged in user
            'register_post_types',      // Register post types (forum|topic|reply)
            'register_post_statuses',   // Register post statuses (closed|spam|orphan|hidden)
            'register_taxonomies',      // Register taxonomies (topic-tag)
            'register_shortcodes',      // Register shortcodes (bbp-login)
            'register_views',           // Register the views (no-replies)
            'register_theme_packages',  // Register bundled theme packages (bbp-theme-compat/bbp-themes)
            'add_rewrite_tags',         // Add rewrite tags (view|user|edit|search)
            'add_rewrite_rules',        // Generate rewrite rules (view|edit|paged|search)
            'add_permastructs'          // Add permalink structures (view|user|search)

        // Add the actions
        foreach ( $actions as $class_action )
            add_action( 'bbp_' . $class_action, array( $this, $class_action ), 5 );

        // All Forums actions are setup (includes bbp-core-hooks.php)
        do_action_ref_array( 'bbp_after_setup_actions', array( &$this ) );

    /** Public Methods ********************************************************/

     * Register bundled theme packages
     * Note that since we currently have complete control over bbp-themes and
     * the bbp-theme-compat folders, it's fine to hardcode these here. If at a
     * later date we need to automate this, and API will need to be built.
     * @since bbPress (r3829)
    public function register_theme_packages() {

        // Register the default theme compatibility package
        bbp_register_theme_package( array(
            'id'      => 'default',
            'name'    => __( 'Forums Default', 'buddyboss' ),
            'version' => bbp_get_version(),
            'dir'     => trailingslashit( $this->themes_dir . 'default' ),
            'url'     => trailingslashit( $this->themes_url . 'default' )
        ) );

        // Register the basic theme stack. This is really dope.
        bbp_register_template_stack( 'get_stylesheet_directory', 10 );
        bbp_register_template_stack( 'get_template_directory',   12 );
        bbp_register_template_stack( 'bbp_get_theme_compat_dir', 14 );

     * Setup the default Forums theme compatibility location.
     * @since bbPress (r3778)
    public function setup_theme() {

        // Bail if something already has this under control
        if ( ! empty( $this->theme_compat->theme ) )

        // Setup the theme package to use for compatibility
        bbp_setup_theme_compat( bbp_get_theme_package_id() );

     * Setup the post types for forums, topics and replies
     * @since bbPress (r2597)
     * @uses register_post_type() To register the post types
     * @uses apply_filters() Calls various filters to modify the arguments
     *                        sent to register_post_type()
    public static function register_post_types() {

        /** Forums ************************************************************/

        // Register Forum content type
            apply_filters( 'bbp_register_forum_post_type', array(
                'labels'              => bbp_get_forum_post_type_labels(),
                'rewrite'             => bbp_get_forum_post_type_rewrite(),
                'supports'            => bbp_get_forum_post_type_supports(),
                'description'         => __( 'Forums', 'buddyboss' ),
                'capabilities'        => bbp_get_forum_caps(),
                'capability_type'     => array( 'forum', 'forums' ),
                'menu_position'       => 555555,
                'has_archive'         => bbp_get_root_slug(),
                'exclude_from_search' => true,
                'show_in_nav_menus'   => true,
                'public'              => true,
                'show_ui'             => current_user_can( 'bbp_forums_admin' ),
                'can_export'          => true,
                'hierarchical'        => true,
                'query_var'           => true,
                'menu_icon'           => '',
                'show_in_menu'        => false,
            ) )

        add_post_type_support( bbp_get_forum_post_type(), 'thumbnail' );

        /** Topics ************************************************************/

        // Register Topic content type
            apply_filters( 'bbp_register_topic_post_type', array(
                'labels'              => bbp_get_topic_post_type_labels(),
                'rewrite'             => bbp_get_topic_post_type_rewrite(),
                'supports'            => bbp_get_topic_post_type_supports(),
                'description'         => __( 'Forum Discussions', 'buddyboss' ),
                'capabilities'        => bbp_get_topic_caps(),
                'capability_type'     => array( 'topic', 'topics' ),
                'menu_position'       => 555555,
                'has_archive'         => ( 'forums' === bbp_show_on_root() ) ? bbp_get_topic_archive_slug() : false,
                'exclude_from_search' => true,
                'show_in_nav_menus'   => false,
                'public'              => true,
                'show_ui'             => current_user_can( 'bbp_topics_admin' ),
                'can_export'          => true,
                'hierarchical'        => false,
                'query_var'           => true,
                'menu_icon'           => '',
                'show_in_menu'        => false,
        ) );

        /** Replies ***********************************************************/

        // Register reply content type
            apply_filters( 'bbp_register_reply_post_type', array(
                'labels'              => bbp_get_reply_post_type_labels(),
                'rewrite'             => bbp_get_reply_post_type_rewrite(),
                'supports'            => bbp_get_reply_post_type_supports(),
                'description'         => __( 'Forum Replies', 'buddyboss' ),
                'capabilities'        => bbp_get_reply_caps(),
                'capability_type'     => array( 'reply', 'replies' ),
                'menu_position'       => 555555,
                'exclude_from_search' => true,
                'has_archive'         => false,
                'show_in_nav_menus'   => false,
                'public'              => true,
                'show_ui'             => current_user_can( 'bbp_replies_admin' ),
                'can_export'          => true,
                'hierarchical'        => false,
                'query_var'           => true,
                'menu_icon'           => '',
                'show_in_menu'        => false,
            ) )

     * Register the post statuses used by Forums
     * We do some manipulation of the 'trash' status so trashed topics and
     * replies can be viewed from within the theme.
     * @since bbPress (r2727)
     * @uses register_post_status() To register post statuses
     * @uses $wp_post_statuses To modify trash and private statuses
     * @uses current_user_can() To check if the current user is capable &
     *                           modify $wp_post_statuses accordingly
    public static function register_post_statuses() {

        // Closed @todo clean up translation
            apply_filters( 'bbp_register_closed_post_status', array(
                'label'             => __( 'Closed', 'buddyboss' ),
                'label_count'       => _n_noop( 'Closed <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Closed <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'buddyboss' ),
                'public'            => true,
                'show_in_admin_all' => true
            ) )

        // Spam @todo clean up translation
            apply_filters( 'bbp_register_spam_post_status', array(
                'label'                     => __( 'Spam', 'buddyboss' ),
                'label_count'               => _n_noop( 'Spam <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Spam <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'buddyboss' ),
                'protected'                 => true,
                'exclude_from_search'       => true,
                'show_in_admin_status_list' => true,
                'show_in_admin_all_list'    => false
            ) )

        // Orphan
            apply_filters( 'bbp_register_orphan_post_status', array(
                'label'                     => __( 'Orphan', 'buddyboss' ),
                'label_count'               => _n_noop( 'Orphan <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Orphans <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'buddyboss' ),
                'protected'                 => true,
                'exclude_from_search'       => true,
                'show_in_admin_status_list' => true,
                'show_in_admin_all_list'    => false
            ) )

        // Hidden
            apply_filters( 'bbp_register_hidden_post_status', array(
                'label'                     => __( 'Hidden', 'buddyboss' ),
                'label_count'               => _n_noop( 'Hidden <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'Hidden <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'buddyboss' ),
                'private'                   => true,
                'exclude_from_search'       => true,
                'show_in_admin_status_list' => true,
                'show_in_admin_all_list'    => true
            ) )

         * Trash fix
         * We need to remove the internal arg and change that to
         * protected so that the users with 'view_trash' cap can view
         * single trashed topics/replies in the front-end as wp_query
         * doesn't allow any hack for the trashed topics to be viewed.
        global $wp_post_statuses;

        if ( !empty( $wp_post_statuses['trash'] ) ) {

            // User can view trash so set internal to false
            if ( current_user_can( 'view_trash' ) ) {
                $wp_post_statuses['trash']->internal  = false;
                $wp_post_statuses['trash']->protected = true;

            // User cannot view trash so set internal to true
            } else {
                $wp_post_statuses['trash']->internal = true;

     * Register the topic tag taxonomy
     * @since bbPress (r2464)
     * @uses register_taxonomy() To register the taxonomy
    public static function register_taxonomies() {

        // Register the topic-tag taxonomy
            apply_filters( 'bbp_register_topic_taxonomy', array(
                'labels'                => bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_labels(),
                'rewrite'               => bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_rewrite(),
                'capabilities'          => bbp_get_topic_tag_caps(),
                'update_count_callback' => '_update_post_term_count',
                'query_var'             => true,
                'show_tagcloud'         => true,
                'hierarchical'          => false,
                'show_in_nav_menus'     => false,
                'public'                => true,
                'show_ui'               => bbp_allow_topic_tags() && current_user_can( 'bbp_topic_tags_admin' ),
                'show_in_menu'          => false,
        ) );

     * Register the Forums views
     * @since bbPress (r2789)
     * @uses bbp_register_view() To register the views
    public static function register_views() {

        // Popular discussions
            __( 'Most popular discussions', 'buddyboss' ),
            apply_filters( 'bbp_register_view_popular', array(
                'meta_key'      => '_bbp_reply_count',
                'max_num_pages' => 1,
                'orderby'       => 'meta_value_num',
                'show_stickies' => false
        ) );

        // Discussions with no replies
            __( 'Discussions with no replies', 'buddyboss' ),
            apply_filters( 'bbp_register_view_no_replies', array(
                'meta_key'      => '_bbp_reply_count',
                'meta_value'    => 1,
                'meta_compare'  => '<',
                'orderby'       => '',
                'show_stickies' => false
        ) );

     * Register the Forums shortcodes
     * @since bbPress (r3031)
     * @uses BBP_Shortcodes
    public function register_shortcodes() {
        $this->shortcodes = new BBP_Shortcodes();

     * Setup the currently logged-in user
     * Do not to call this prematurely, I.E. before the 'init' action has
     * started. This function is naturally hooked into 'init' to ensure proper
     * execution. get_currentuserinfo() is used to check for XMLRPC_REQUEST to
     * avoid xmlrpc errors.
     * @since bbPress (r2697)
     * @uses wp_get_current_user()
    public function setup_current_user() {
        $this->current_user = wp_get_current_user();

    /** Custom Rewrite Rules **************************************************/

     * Add the Forums-specific rewrite tags
     * @since bbPress (r2753)
     * @uses add_rewrite_tag() To add the rewrite tags
    public static function add_rewrite_tags() {
        add_rewrite_tag( '%' . bbp_get_view_rewrite_id()               . '%', '([^/]+)'   ); // View Page tag
        add_rewrite_tag( '%' . bbp_get_edit_rewrite_id()               . '%', '([1]{1,})' ); // Edit Page tag
        add_rewrite_tag( '%' . bbp_get_search_rewrite_id()             . '%', '([^/]+)'   ); // Search Results tag
        add_rewrite_tag( '%' . bbp_get_user_rewrite_id()               . '%', '([^/]+)'   ); // User Profile tag
        add_rewrite_tag( '%' . bbp_get_user_favorites_rewrite_id()     . '%', '([1]{1,})' ); // User Favorites tag
        add_rewrite_tag( '%' . bbp_get_user_subscriptions_rewrite_id() . '%', '([1]{1,})' ); // User Subscriptions tag
        add_rewrite_tag( '%' . bbp_get_user_topics_rewrite_id()        . '%', '([1]{1,})' ); // User Topics Tag
        add_rewrite_tag( '%' . bbp_get_user_replies_rewrite_id()       . '%', '([1]{1,})' ); // User Replies Tag

     * Add Forums-specific rewrite rules for uri's that are not
     * setup for us by way of custom post types or taxonomies. This includes:
     * - Front-end editing
     * - Topic views
     * - User profiles
     * @since bbPress (r2688)
     * @todo Extract into an API
    public static function add_rewrite_rules() {

        /** Setup *************************************************************/

        // Add rules to top or bottom?
        $priority           = 'top';

        // Single Slugs
        $forum_slug         = bbp_get_forum_slug();
        $topic_slug         = bbp_get_topic_slug();
        $reply_slug         = bbp_get_reply_slug();
        $ttag_slug          = bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_slug();

        // Archive Slugs
        $view_slug          = bbp_get_view_slug();
        $search_slug        = bbp_get_search_slug();
        $topic_archive_slug = bbp_get_topic_archive_slug();
        $reply_archive_slug = bbp_get_reply_archive_slug();

        // Tertiary Slugs
        $feed_slug          = 'feed';
        $edit_slug          = 'edit';
        $paged_slug         = bbp_get_paged_slug();

        // Unique rewrite ID's
        $feed_id            = 'feed';
        $edit_id            = bbp_get_edit_rewrite_id();
        $view_id            = bbp_get_view_rewrite_id();
        $paged_id           = bbp_get_paged_rewrite_id();
        $search_id          = bbp_get_search_rewrite_id();
        $user_id            = bbp_get_user_rewrite_id();
        $user_favs_id       = bbp_get_user_favorites_rewrite_id();
        $user_subs_id       = bbp_get_user_subscriptions_rewrite_id();
        $user_tops_id       = bbp_get_user_topics_rewrite_id();
        $user_reps_id       = bbp_get_user_replies_rewrite_id();

        // Rewrite rule matches used repeatedly below
        $root_rule    = '/([^/]+)/?$';
        $feed_rule    = '/([^/]+)/' . $feed_slug  . '/?$';
        $edit_rule    = '/([^/]+)/' . $edit_slug  . '/?$';
        $paged_rule   = '/([^/]+)/' . $paged_slug . '/?([0-9]{1,})/?$';

        // Search rules (without slug check)
        $search_root_rule  = '/?$';
        $search_paged_rule = '/' . $paged_slug . '/?([0-9]{1,})/?$';

        /** Add ***************************************************************/

        // Edit Forum|Topic|Reply|Topic-tag
        add_rewrite_rule( $forum_slug . $edit_rule, 'index.php?' . bbp_get_forum_post_type()  . '=$matches[1]&' . $edit_id . '=1', $priority );
        add_rewrite_rule( $topic_slug . $edit_rule, 'index.php?' . bbp_get_topic_post_type()  . '=$matches[1]&' . $edit_id . '=1', $priority );
        add_rewrite_rule( $reply_slug . $edit_rule, 'index.php?' . bbp_get_reply_post_type()  . '=$matches[1]&' . $edit_id . '=1', $priority );
        add_rewrite_rule( $ttag_slug  . $edit_rule, 'index.php?' . bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_id() . '=$matches[1]&' . $edit_id . '=1', $priority );

        // Topic-View Pagination|Feed|View
        add_rewrite_rule( $view_slug . $paged_rule, 'index.php?' . $view_id . '=$matches[1]&' . $paged_id . '=$matches[2]', $priority );
        add_rewrite_rule( $view_slug . $feed_rule,  'index.php?' . $view_id . '=$matches[1]&' . $feed_id  . '=$matches[2]', $priority );
        add_rewrite_rule( $view_slug . $root_rule,  'index.php?' . $view_id . '=$matches[1]',                               $priority );

        // Search All
        add_rewrite_rule( $search_slug . $search_paged_rule, 'index.php?' . $paged_id .'=$matches[1]', $priority );
        add_rewrite_rule( $search_slug . $search_root_rule,  'index.php?' . $search_id,                $priority );

     * Add permalink structures for new archive-style destinations.
     * - Users
     * - Topic Views
     * - Search
     * @since bbPress (r4930)
    public static function add_permastructs() {

        // Get unique ID's
        $user_id     = bbp_get_user_rewrite_id();
        $view_id     = bbp_get_view_rewrite_id();
        $search_id   = bbp_get_search_rewrite_id();

        // Get root slugs
        $user_slug   = bbp_get_user_slug();
        $view_slug   = bbp_get_view_slug();
        $search_slug = bbp_get_search_slug();

        // User Permastruct
        add_permastruct( $user_id, $user_slug . '/%' . $user_id . '%', array(
            'with_front'  => false,
            'ep_mask'     => EP_NONE,
            'paged'       => false,
            'feed'        => false,
            'forcomments' => false,
            'walk_dirs'   => true,
            'endpoints'   => false,
        ) );

        // Topic View Permastruct
        add_permastruct( $view_id, $view_slug . '/%' . $view_id . '%', array(
            'with_front'  => false,
            'ep_mask'     => EP_NONE,
            'paged'       => false,
            'feed'        => false,
            'forcomments' => false,
            'walk_dirs'   => true,
            'endpoints'   => false,
        ) );

        // Search Permastruct
        add_permastruct( $user_id, $search_slug . '/%' . $search_id . '%', array(
            'with_front'  => false,
            'ep_mask'     => EP_NONE,
            'paged'       => true,
            'feed'        => false,
            'forcomments' => false,
            'walk_dirs'   => true,
            'endpoints'   => false,
        ) );


Version Description
bbPress (r2464) Introduced.


  • __call — Magic method to prevent notices and errors from invalid method calls
  • __clone — A dummy magic method to prevent Forums from being cloned
  • __construct — A dummy constructor to prevent Forums from being loaded more than once.
  • __get — Magic method for getting Forums variables
  • __isset — Magic method for checking the existence of a certain custom field
  • __set — Magic method for setting Forums variables
  • __unset — Magic method for unsetting Forums variables
  • __wakeup — A dummy magic method to prevent Forums from being unserialized
  • add_permastructs — Add permalink structures for new archive-style destinations.
  • add_rewrite_rules — Add Forums-specific rewrite rules for uri's that are not setup for us by way of custom post types or taxonomies. This includes: - Front-end editing - Topic views - User profiles
  • add_rewrite_tags — Add the Forums-specific rewrite tags
  • includes — Include required files
  • instance — Main bbPress Instance
  • register_post_statuses — Register the post statuses used by Forums
  • register_post_types — Setup the post types for forums, topics and replies
  • register_shortcodes — Register the Forums shortcodes
  • register_taxonomies — Register the topic tag taxonomy
  • register_theme_packages — Register bundled theme packages
  • register_views — Register the Forums views
  • setup_actions — Setup the default hooks and actions
  • setup_current_user — Setup the currently logged-in user
  • setup_globals — Set some smart defaults to class variables. Allow some of them to be filtered to allow for early overriding.
  • setup_theme — Setup the default Forums theme compatibility location.


We're always happy to help with code or other questions you might have! Search our developer docs, contact support, or connect with our sales team.