


File: bp-core/admin/settings/bp-admin-setting-xprofile.php

	public function register_fields() {
		$this->add_section( 'bp_xprofile', __( 'Profile Settings', 'buddyboss' ) );

		// Display name format.
			__( 'Display Name Format', 'buddyboss' ),
			[ $this, 'callback_display_name_format']

		// Avatars.
		$this->add_field( 'bp-disable-avatar-uploads', __( 'Profile Avatars', 'buddyboss' ), 'bp_admin_setting_callback_avatar_uploads', 'intval' );

		// cover photos.
		if ( bp_is_active( 'xprofile', 'cover_image' ) ) {
			$this->add_field( 'bp-disable-cover-image-uploads', __( 'Profile Cover Images', 'buddyboss' ), 'bp_admin_setting_callback_cover_image_uploads', 'intval' );

		// Profile Settings Tutorial
		$this->add_field( 'bp-profile-setting-tutorial','', 'bp_profile_setting_tutorial' );

		// @todo will use this later on
		// Section for profile dashboard.
		//$this->add_section( 'bp_profile_dashboard_settings', __( 'Profile Dashboard', 'buddyboss' ) );

		// @todo will use this later on
		// Enable/Disable profile dashboard.
		//$this->add_field( 'bp-enable-member-dashboard', __( 'Profile Dashboard', 'buddyboss' ), [$this, 'bp_admin_setting_callback_member_dashboard'], 'intval' );

		// @todo will use this later on
		//$this->add_field( 'bp-enable-member-dashboard-redirect', __( 'Redirect on Login', 'buddyboss' ), [$this, 'bp_admin_setting_callback_member_dashboard_redirect'], 'intval' );

		// Section for profile types.
		$this->add_section( 'bp_member_type_settings', __( 'Profile Types', 'buddyboss' ) );

		// Enable/Disable profile types.
		$this->add_field( 'bp-member-type-enable-disable', __( 'Profile Types', 'buddyboss' ), [$this, 'bp_admin_setting_callback_member_type_enable_disable'], 'intval' );

		// Profile Type enabled then display profile types.
		if ( true === bp_member_type_enable_disable() ) {
			// Enable/Disable Display on profiles.
			$this->add_field( 'bp-member-type-display-on-profile',__( 'Display Profile Types', 'buddyboss' ),[ $this, 'bp_admin_setting_callback_member_type_display_on_profile' ],'intval' );

		// Default profile type on registration.
		if ( true === bp_member_type_enable_disable() ) {
			$this->add_field( 'bp-member-type-default-on-registration',__( 'Default Profile Type', 'buddyboss' ),[ $this, 'bp_admin_setting_callback_member_type_default_on_registration' ] );

		// Profile Types Tutorial
		$this->add_field( 'bp-profile-types-tutorial','', [$this, 'bp_profile_types_tutorial'] );

		// Section for profile search.
		$this->add_section( 'bp_profile_search_settings', __( 'Profile Search', 'buddyboss' ) );

        // Enable/Disable profile search.
		$this->add_field( 'bp-enable-profile-search', __( 'Profile Search', 'buddyboss' ), [$this, 'bp_admin_setting_callback_profile_search'], 'intval' );

		// Profile Search Tutorial
		$this->add_field( 'bp-profile-search-tutorial','', [$this, 'bp_profile_search_tutorial'] );



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