BP_Core_Members_Template::__construct( string $type, int $page_number, int $per_page, int $max, int $user_id, string $search_terms, array $include, bool $populate_extras, array $exclude, array $meta_key, array $meta_value, string $page_arg = 'upage', array|string $member_type = '', array|string $member_type__in = '', array|string $member_type__not_in = '' )
Constructor method.
See also
- BP_User_Query: for an in-depth description of parameters.
- $type
(Required) Sort order.
- $page_number
(Required) Page of results.
- $per_page
(Required) Number of results per page.
- $max
(Required) Max number of results to return.
- $user_id
(Required) Limit to friends of a user.
- $search_terms
(Required) Limit to users matching search terms.
- $include
(Required) Limit results by these user IDs.
- $populate_extras
(Required) Fetch optional extras.
- $exclude
(Required) Exclude these IDs from results.
- $meta_key
(Required) Limit to users with a meta_key.
- $meta_value
(Required) Limit to users with a meta_value (with meta_key).
- $page_arg
(Optional) The string used as a query parameter in pagination links. Default: 'upage'.
Default value: 'upage'
- $member_type
(Optional) Array or comma-separated string of profile types to limit results to.
Default value: ''
- $member_type__in
(Optional) Array or comma-separated string of profile types to limit results to.
Default value: ''
- $member_type__not_in
(Optional) Array or comma-separated string of profile types to exclude from results.
Default value: ''
File: bp-members/classes/class-bp-core-members-template.php
133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 | function __construct( $type , $page_number , $per_page , $max , $user_id , $search_terms , $include , $populate_extras , $exclude , $meta_key , $meta_value , $page_arg = 'upage' , $member_type = '' , $member_type__in = '' , $member_type__not_in = '' ) { $this ->pag_arg = sanitize_key( $page_arg ); $this ->pag_page = bp_sanitize_pagination_arg( $this ->pag_arg, $page_number ); $this ->pag_num = bp_sanitize_pagination_arg( 'num' , $per_page ); $this ->type = $type ; if ( ! empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'letter' ] ) ) $this ->members = BP_Core_User::get_users_by_letter( $_REQUEST [ 'letter' ], $this ->pag_num, $this ->pag_page, $populate_extras , $exclude ); else $this ->members = bp_core_get_users( array ( 'type' => $this ->type, 'per_page' => $this ->pag_num, 'page' => $this ->pag_page, 'user_id' => $user_id , 'include' => $include , 'search_terms' => $search_terms , 'populate_extras' => $populate_extras , 'exclude' => $exclude , 'meta_key' => $meta_key , 'meta_value' => $meta_value , 'member_type' => $member_type , 'member_type__in' => $member_type__in , 'member_type__not_in' => $member_type__not_in ) ); if ( ! $max || $max >= (int) $this ->members[ 'total' ] ) $this ->total_member_count = (int) $this ->members[ 'total' ]; else $this ->total_member_count = (int) $max ; $this ->members = $this ->members[ 'users' ]; if ( $max ) { if ( $max >= count ( $this ->members ) ) { $this ->member_count = count ( $this ->members ); } else { $this ->member_count = (int) $max ; } } else { $this ->member_count = count ( $this ->members ); } if ( (int) $this ->total_member_count && (int) $this ->pag_num ) { $pag_args = array ( $this ->pag_arg => '%#%' , ); if ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && true === (bool) DOING_AJAX ) { $base = remove_query_arg( 's' , wp_get_referer() ); } else { $base = '' ; } /** * Defaults to an empty array to make sure paginate_links() * won't add the $page_arg to the links which would break * pagination in case JavaScript is disabled. */ $add_args = array (); if ( ! empty ( $search_terms ) ) { $query_arg = bp_core_get_component_search_query_arg( 'members' ); $add_args [ $query_arg ] = urlencode( $search_terms ); } $this ->pag_links = paginate_links( array ( 'base' => add_query_arg( $pag_args , $base ), 'format' => '' , 'total' => ceil ( (int) $this ->total_member_count / (int) $this ->pag_num ), 'current' => (int) $this ->pag_page, 'prev_text' => __( '←' , 'buddyboss' ), 'next_text' => __( '→' , 'buddyboss' ), 'mid_size' => 1, 'add_args' => $add_args , ) ); } } |
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