Set permalink for oEmbed link discovery.
This method will be called on the page we want to oEmbed. In most cases, you will not need to override this method. However, if you need to, do override in your extended class.
File: bp-core/classes/class-bp-core-oembed-extension.php
147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 | protected function set_permalink() { $url = bp_get_requested_url(); // Remove querystring from bp_get_requested_url(). if ( false !== strpos ( bp_get_requested_url(), '?' ) ) { $url = substr ( bp_get_requested_url(), 0, strpos ( bp_get_requested_url(), '?' ) ); } return $url ; } |
Version | Description |
BuddyPress 2.6.0 | Introduced. |
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