
Class BP_Notification_Export



File: bp-core/gdpr/class-bp-notification-export.php

final class BP_Notification_Export extends BP_Export {

	 * Get the instance of this class.
	 * @return Controller|null
	public static function instance() {
		static $instance = null;

		if ( null === $instance ) {
			$instance = new BP_Notification_Export();
			$instance->setup( "bp_notification", __( "Notifications", 'buddyboss' ) );

		return $instance;

	 * Export member notifications.
	 * @param $user
	 * @param $page
	 * @param bool $email_address
	 * @since BuddyBoss 1.0.0
	 * @return array
	function process_data( $user, $page, $email_address = false ) {

		if ( ! $user || is_wp_error( $user ) ) {
			return $this->response( array(), true );

		$export_items = array();

		$data_items = $this->get_data( $user, $page );

		foreach ( $data_items["items"] as $item ) {

			$group_id    = "bp_notifications";
			$group_label = __( "Notifications", 'buddyboss' );
			$item_id     = "{$this->exporter_name}-{$group_id}-{$item->id}";

			$notification = bp_notifications_get_notification( $item->id );

			$action = $this->bp_get_the_notification_description( $notification );
			$action = wp_strip_all_tags( $action );
			$action = apply_filters( 'buddyboss_bp_gdpr_bp_notification_item_action', $action, $item, $data_items );

			$mark_as_read = __( 'No', 'buddyboss' );
			if ( '0' === $item->is_new ) {
				$mark_as_read = __( 'Yes', 'buddyboss' );

			$data = array(
					'name'  => __( 'Notification Action', 'buddyboss' ),
					'value' => $action,
					'name'  => __( 'Notified Date (GMT)', 'buddyboss' ),
					'value' => $item->date_notified,
					'name'  => __( 'Mark as Read', 'buddyboss' ),
					'value' => $mark_as_read,

			$data = apply_filters( 'buddyboss_bp_gdpr_notification_after_data_prepare', $data, $item, $notification, $data_items );

			$export_items[] = array(
				'group_id'    => $group_id,
				'group_label' => $group_label,
				'item_id'     => $item_id,
				'data'        => $data,


		$done = $data_items['total'] < $data_items['offset'];

		return $this->response( $export_items, $done );

	 * Delete member notifications.
	 * @param $user
	 * @param $page
	 * @param bool $email_address
	 * @since BuddyBoss 1.0.0
	 * @return array
	function process_erase( $user, $page, $email_address ) {

		global $wpdb;

		if ( ! $user || is_wp_error( $user ) ) {
			return $this->response_erase( array(), true );

		$items_removed  = true;
		$items_retained = false;

		 * Make use of buddypress default data remover.
		bp_notifications_delete_notifications_on_user_delete( $user->ID );

		$done = true;

		return $this->response_erase( $items_removed, $done, array(), $items_retained );

	 * Returns the data & count of notifications by page and user.
	 * @param $user
	 * @param $page
	 * @since BuddyBoss 1.0.0
	 * @return array
	function get_data( $user, $page ) {
		global $wpdb;

		$wpdb->show_errors( false );

		$table              = "{$wpdb->prefix}bp_notifications item";
		$query_select       = "item.*";
		$query_select_count = "COUNT(item.id)";
		$query_where        = "item.user_id=%d";

		$offset = ( $page - 1 ) * $this->items_per_batch;
		$limit  = "LIMIT {$this->items_per_batch} OFFSET {$offset}";

		$query       = "SELECT {$query_select} FROM {$table} WHERE {$query_where} {$limit}";
		$query       = $wpdb->prepare( $query, $user->ID );
		$query_count = "SELECT {$query_select_count} FROM {$table} WHERE {$query_where}";
		$query_count = $wpdb->prepare( $query_count, $user->ID );

		$count = (int) $wpdb->get_var( $query_count );
		$items = $wpdb->get_results( $query );

		return array(
			'total'  => $count,
			'offset' => $offset,
			'items'  => $items,


	 * Get full-text description for a specific notification.
	 * @param $notification
	 * @since BuddyBoss 1.0.0
	 * @return mixed|void
	function bp_get_the_notification_description( $notification ) {
		$bp = buddypress();

		// Callback function exists.
		if ( isset( $bp->{$notification->component_name}->notification_callback ) && is_callable( $bp->{$notification->component_name}->notification_callback ) ) {
			$description = call_user_func( $bp->{$notification->component_name}->notification_callback,
				$notification->id );

			// @deprecated format_notification_function - 1.5
		} elseif ( isset( $bp->{$notification->component_name}->format_notification_function ) && function_exists( $bp->{$notification->component_name}->format_notification_function ) ) {
			$description = call_user_func( $bp->{$notification->component_name}->format_notification_function,
				1 );

			// Allow non BuddyPress components to hook in.
		} else {

			/** This filter is documented in bp-notifications/bp-notifications-functions.php */
			$description = apply_filters_ref_array( 'bp_notifications_get_notifications_for_user', array( $notification->component_action, $notification->item_id, $notification->secondary_item_id, 1, 'string', $notification->component_action, $notification->component_name, $notification->id ) );

		 * Filters the full-text description for a specific notification.
		 * @since BuddyPress 1.9.0
		 * @since BuddyPress 2.3.0 Added the `$notification` parameter.
		 * @param string $description Full-text description for a specific notification.
		 * @param object $notification Notification object.
		return apply_filters( 'bp_get_the_notification_description', $description, $notification );




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