
Groups Loader class



File: bp-templates/bp-nouveau/includes/groups/loader.php

class BP_Nouveau_Groups {
	 * Constructor
	 * @since BuddyPress 3.0.0
	public function __construct() {

	 * Globals
	 * @since BuddyPress 3.0.0
	protected function setup_globals() {
		$this->dir                   = trailingslashit( dirname( __FILE__ ) );
		$this->is_group_home_sidebar = false;

	 * Include needed files
	 * @since BuddyPress 3.0.0
	protected function includes() {
		require $this->dir . 'functions.php';
		require $this->dir . 'classes.php';
		require $this->dir . 'template-tags.php';

		// Test suite requires the AJAX functions early.
		if ( function_exists( 'tests_add_filter' ) ) {
			require $this->dir . 'ajax.php';

		// Load AJAX code only on AJAX requests.
		} else {
			add_action( 'admin_init', function() {
				if ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && true === DOING_AJAX && 0 === strpos( $_REQUEST['action'], 'groups_' ) ) {
					require $this->dir . 'ajax.php';
			} );

	 * Register do_action() hooks
	 * @since BuddyPress 3.0.0
	protected function setup_actions() {
		if ( ! is_admin() || ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) ) {
			add_action( 'groups_setup_nav', 'bp_nouveau_group_setup_nav' );

		add_action( 'bp_nouveau_enqueue_scripts', 'bp_nouveau_groups_enqueue_scripts' );

		// Avoid Notices for BuddyPress Legacy Backcompat
		remove_action( 'bp_groups_directory_group_filter', 'bp_group_backcompat_create_nav_item', 1000 );

		// Register the Groups Notifications filters
		add_action( 'bp_nouveau_notifications_init_filters', 'bp_nouveau_groups_notification_filters' );

		// Actions to check whether we are in the Group's default front page sidebar
		add_action( 'dynamic_sidebar_before', array( $this, 'group_home_sidebar_set' ), 10, 1 );
		add_action( 'dynamic_sidebar_after', array( $this, 'group_home_sidebar_unset' ), 10, 1 );

		// Add a new nav item to settings to let users choose their group invites preferences
		if ( bp_is_active( 'friends' ) && ! bp_nouveau_groups_disallow_all_members_invites() ) {
			add_action( 'bp_settings_setup_nav', 'bp_nouveau_groups_invites_restriction_nav' );

	 * Register add_filter() hooks
	 * @since BuddyPress 3.0.0
	protected function setup_filters() {
		add_filter( 'bp_nouveau_register_scripts', 'bp_nouveau_groups_register_scripts', 10, 1 );
		add_filter( 'bp_core_get_js_strings', 'bp_nouveau_groups_localize_scripts', 10, 1 );
		add_filter( 'groups_create_group_steps', 'bp_nouveau_group_invites_create_steps', 10, 1 );

		$buttons = array(

		foreach ( $buttons as $button ) {
			add_filter( 'bp_button_' . $button, 'bp_nouveau_ajax_button', 10, 5 );

		// Add sections in the BP Template Pack panel of the customizer.
		add_filter( 'bp_nouveau_customizer_sections', 'bp_nouveau_groups_customizer_sections', 10, 1 );

		// Add settings into the Groups sections of the customizer.
		add_filter( 'bp_nouveau_customizer_settings', 'bp_nouveau_groups_customizer_settings', 10, 1 );

		// Add controls into the Groups sections of the customizer.
		add_filter( 'bp_nouveau_customizer_controls', 'bp_nouveau_groups_customizer_controls', 10, 1 );

		// Add the group's default front template to hieararchy if user enabled it (Enabled by default).
		add_filter( 'bp_groups_get_front_template', 'bp_nouveau_group_reset_front_template', 10, 2 );

		// Add a new nav item to settings to let users choose their group invites preferences
		if ( bp_is_active( 'friends' ) && ! bp_nouveau_groups_disallow_all_members_invites() ) {
			add_filter( 'bp_settings_admin_nav', 'bp_nouveau_groups_invites_restriction_admin_nav', 10, 1 );

	 * Add filters to be sure the (BuddyBoss) widgets display will be consistent
	 * with the current group's default front page.
	 * @since BuddyPress 3.0.0
	 * @param string $sidebar_index The Sidebar identifier.
	public function group_home_sidebar_set( $sidebar_index = '' ) {
		if ( 'sidebar-buddypress-groups' !== $sidebar_index ) {

		$this->is_group_home_sidebar = true;

		// Add needed filters.

	 * Remove filters to be sure the (BuddyBoss) widgets display will no more take
	 * the current group displayed in account.
	 * @since BuddyPress 3.0.0
	 * @param string $sidebar_index The Sidebar identifier.
	public function group_home_sidebar_unset( $sidebar_index = '' ) {
		if ( 'sidebar-buddypress-groups' !== $sidebar_index ) {

		$this->is_group_home_sidebar = false;

		// Remove no more needed filters.


Version Description
BuddyPress 3.0.0 Introduced.



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