BP_REST_Document_Endpoint::bp_documents_update_rest_field_callback_messages( object $object, object $value, string $attribute )
The function to use to update the documents value of the messages REST Field.
- $object
(Required) The BuddyPress component's object that was just created/updated during the request. (in this case the BP_Messages_Message object).
- $value
(Required) The value of the REST Field to save.
- $attribute
(Required) The REST Field key used into the REST response.
File: bp-document/classes/class-bp-rest-document-endpoint.php
protected function bp_documents_update_rest_field_callback_messages( $object, $value, $attribute ) { if ( 'bp_documents' !== $attribute || empty( $object ) ) { $value->bp_documents = null; return $value; } $message_id = $value->id; $thread_id = $value->thread_id; $documents = wp_parse_id_list( $object ); if ( empty( $documents ) ) { $value->bp_documents = null; return $value; } $args = array( 'document_ids' => $documents, 'privacy' => 'message', ); $document_ids = $this->bp_rest_create_document( $args ); if ( is_wp_error( $document_ids ) ) { $value->bp_documents = $document_ids; return $value; } if ( ! empty( $document_ids ) ) { foreach ( $document_ids as $id ) { bp_document_add_meta( $id, 'thread_id', $thread_id ); } } bp_messages_update_meta( $message_id, 'bp_document_ids', implode( ',', $document_ids ) ); }
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