
Get the message schema, conforming to JSON Schema.





File: bp-messages/classes/class-bp-rest-messages-endpoint.php

	public function get_item_schema() {
		$schema = array(
			'$schema'    => 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#',
			'title'      => 'bp_messages',
			'type'       => 'object',
			'properties' => array(
				'id'                  => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'A unique numeric ID for the Thread.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'type'        => 'integer',
				'message_id'          => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'The ID of the latest message of the Thread.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'readonly'    => true,
					'type'        => 'integer',
				'last_sender_id'      => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'The ID of latest sender of the Thread.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'readonly'    => true,
					'type'        => 'integer',
				'subject'             => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'Title of the latest message of the Thread.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'type'        => 'object',
					'arg_options' => array(
						'sanitize_callback' => null,
						'validate_callback' => null,
					'properties'  => array(
						'raw'      => array(
							'description' => __( 'Title of the latest message of the Thread, as it exists in the database.', 'buddyboss' ),
							'type'        => 'string',
							'context'     => array( 'edit' ),
							'default'     => false,
						'rendered' => array(
							'description' => __( 'Title of the latest message of the Thread, transformed for display.', 'buddyboss' ),
							'type'        => 'string',
							'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
							'readonly'    => true,
							'default'     => false,
				'excerpt'             => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'Summary of the latest message of the Thread.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'type'        => 'object',
					'readonly'    => true,
					'arg_options' => array(
						'sanitize_callback' => null,
						'validate_callback' => null,
					'properties'  => array(
						'raw'      => array(
							'description' => __( 'Summary for the latest message of the Thread, as it exists in the database.', 'buddyboss' ),
							'type'        => 'string',
							'context'     => array( 'edit' ),
						'rendered' => array(
							'description' => __( 'HTML summary for the latest message of the Thread, transformed for display.', 'buddyboss' ),
							'type'        => 'string',
							'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
				'message'             => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'Content of the latest message of the Thread.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'type'        => 'object',
					'required'    => true,
					'arg_options' => array(
						'sanitize_callback' => null,
						'validate_callback' => null,
					'properties'  => array(
						'raw'      => array(
							'description' => __( 'Content for the latest message of the Thread, as it exists in the database.', 'buddyboss' ),
							'type'        => 'string',
							'context'     => array( 'edit' ),
						'rendered' => array(
							'description' => __( 'HTML content for the latest message of the Thread, transformed for display.', 'buddyboss' ),
							'type'        => 'string',
							'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
							'readonly'    => true,
				'date'                => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( "The date the latest message of the Thread, in the site's timezone.", 'buddyboss' ),
					'readonly'    => true,
					'type'        => 'string',
					'format'      => 'date-time',
				'start_date'          => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( "The date the first message of the Thread, in the site's timezone.", 'buddyboss' ),
					'readonly'    => true,
					'type'        => 'string',
					'format'      => 'date-time',
				'unread_count'        => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'Total count of unread messages into the Thread for the requested user.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'readonly'    => true,
					'type'        => 'integer',
				'sender_ids'          => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'The list of user IDs for all messages in the Thread.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'readonly'    => true,
					'type'        => 'array',
					'items'       => array(
						'type' => 'integer',
				'current_user'        => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'Current Logged in user\'s ID.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'readonly'    => true,
					'type'        => 'integer',
				'avatar'              => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'Avatar URLs for the author of the activity.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'type'        => 'object',
					'readonly'    => true,
					'properties'  => array(
						'full'  => array(
							'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
							/* translators: 1: Full avatar width in pixels. 2: Full avatar height in pixels */
							'description' => sprintf( __( 'Avatar URL with full image size (%1$d x %2$d pixels).', 'buddyboss' ), number_format_i18n( bp_core_avatar_full_width() ), number_format_i18n( bp_core_avatar_full_height() ) ),
							'type'        => 'string',
							'format'      => 'uri',
						'thumb' => array(
							'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
							/* translators: 1: Thumb avatar width in pixels. 2: Thumb avatar height in pixels */
							'description' => sprintf( __( 'Avatar URL with thumb image size (%1$d x %2$d pixels).', 'buddyboss' ), number_format_i18n( bp_core_avatar_thumb_width() ), number_format_i18n( bp_core_avatar_thumb_height() ) ),
							'type'        => 'string',
							'format'      => 'uri',
				'is_group'            => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'Group ID if message sent from group.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'readonly'    => true,
					'type'        => 'integer',
				'is_group_thread'     => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'Whether is a group thread or not.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'readonly'    => true,
					'type'        => 'boolean',
				'group_name'          => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'Group name if thread created from group.  ', 'buddyboss' ),
					'readonly'    => true,
					'type'        => 'string',
				'group_link'          => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'The permalink to the Group on the site.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'type'        => 'string',
					'format'      => 'uri',
					'readonly'    => true,
				'group_message_users' => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'Thread for all group users or selected one.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'type'        => 'string',
				'group_message_type'  => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'Thread type its from all or private one.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'type'        => 'string',
				'group_message_from'  => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'Message from group or not.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'type'        => 'string',
				'recipients_count'    => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'Recipient users count.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'type'        => 'integer',
				'recipients'          => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'The list of recipient User Objects involved into the Thread.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'type'        => 'array',
					'items'       => array(
						'type' => 'object',
				'messages'            => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'List of message objects for the thread.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'readonly'    => true,
					'type'        => 'array',
					'items'       => array(
						'type' => 'object',
				'starred_message_ids' => array(
					'context'     => array( 'view', 'edit' ),
					'description' => __( 'List of starred message IDs.', 'buddyboss' ),
					'readonly'    => true,
					'type'        => 'array',
					'items'       => array(
						'type' => 'integer',
					'default'     => array(),

		 * Filters the message schema.
		 * @param array $schema The endpoint schema.
		 * @since 0.1.0
		return apply_filters( 'bp_rest_message_schema', $this->add_additional_fields_schema( $schema ) );


Version Description
0.1.0 Introduced.


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