A Website parser class
Grab website contents and extracts all hyper links and image sources
File: bp-activity/vendors/website-parser/website_parser.php
class WebsiteParser { /** * Links type * String type flag better understandable */ const LINK_TYPE_ALL = 'all'; const LINK_TYPE_INTERNAL = 'internal'; const LINK_TYPE_EXTERNAL = 'external'; const LINK_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 'unknown'; /** * Link type * @var integer */ protected $link_type = self::LINK_TYPE_ALL; /** * The target website url to parse * @var string */ public $target_url = ''; /** * Base Url from target website * @var string */ public $base_url = ''; /** * Full website Url * @var string */ public $absolute_url = ''; /** * Only domain name * @var string */ protected $domain = ''; /** * Grabbed html content from target website * @var text */ public $content = null; /** * Hyper links * @var array */ public $href_links = array(); /** * Image sources * @var array */ public $image_sources = array(); /** * Regular expression * @full_link_pattern To match urls containing protocol * @href_filter_pattern Filter out invalid hyper links * @href_expression Extract hyper links * @img_expression Extract image sources */ private $full_link_pattern = '/\/\/|www\.|mailto:/'; private $href_filter_pattern = '/\<|#|javascript:void/'; private $href_expression = '/\<a\s[^>]*href\s*=\s*\"([^\"]*)\"[^>]*>(.*?)<\/a>/'; private $img_expression = '/<img[^>]+src=([\'"])?((?(1).+?|[^\s>]+))(?(1)\1)/'; private $external_link_pattern = "/^(https?:){0,1}\/\/(www\.){0,1}(.*)/i"; private $internal_link_pattern = "/^(https?:){0,1}\/\/(www\.){0,1}#domain#/i"; private $title_expression = "/<title>(.*)<\/title>/"; // metatags are normaly this form: <meta name="NAME" content="CONTENT" /> // Facebook use property "instead" of "name", see here : private $metatags_expression_1 = "/<meta[^>]+(?:name|property)=\"([^\"]*)\"[^>]+content=\"([^\"]*)\"[^>]*>/"; private $metatags_expression_2 = "/<meta[^>]+content=\"([^\"]*)\"[^>]+(?:name|property)=\"([^\"]*)\"[^>]*>/"; /** * cUrl option * @var Array */ private $curl_options = array( CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, // return web page CURLOPT_HEADER => false, // don't return headers CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, // follow redirects CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", // handle all encodings CURLOPT_USERAGENT => "spider", // who am i CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER => true, // set referrer on redirect CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 60, // timeout on connect CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 120, // timeout on response CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 5, // stop after 10 redirects CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => false ); /** * Message of WebsiteParser * @var String */ public $message = ''; /** * Class constructor * @param string $url Target Url to parse * @param string $link_type Link type to grab */ function __construct($url, $link_type = 'all') { $this->_isCurl(); $this->target_url = $url; $this->setUrls(); $this->setLinksType($link_type); } /** * The class destructor. * * Explicitly clears Parser object from memory upon destruction. */ public function __destruct() { //It's not allowed to re-assign $this, so why it should be allowed to unset() it. The following code worked in PHP 7, but will emit compilation error in PHP 7.1 //unset($this); } /** * A public function to grab and return content * @params boolean $grab, flag to perform real time grab or use class content * @returned text $content, truncated text */ public function getContent($grab = false) { if ($grab) $this->grabContent(); return $this->content; } /** * Extract all href links from grab contents * @params boolean $grab, flag to perform real time grab or use class content * @returned array $href_links, an array with extracted hyper links */ public function getHrefLinks($grab = true) { if ($grab) $this->grabContent(); if (!is_null($this->content)) { preg_match_all($this->href_expression, $this->content, $match_links); $unique_urls = array_unique($match_links[1]); if (count($unique_urls)) { foreach ($unique_urls as $index => $url) { $title = $this->findLinkTitle($url, $match_links[2][$index]); if (!(preg_match($this->href_filter_pattern, $url, $filter_out_url) || preg_match($this->href_filter_pattern, $title, $filter_out_link)) ) { if (!preg_match($this->full_link_pattern, $url, $match)) $url = $this->sanitizeUrl($url); if ($this->link_type !== self::LINK_TYPE_ALL) { if ($this->getLinkType($url) !== $this->link_type) continue; } $this->href_links[] = array($url, $title); } } } } return $this->href_links; } /** * Extract all images sources from grabbed contents * @param boolean $grab , flag to perform real time grab or use class content * @return array, an array of extracted images sources */ public function getImageSources($grab = false) { if ($grab) $this->grabContent(); if (!is_null($this->content)) { preg_match_all($this->img_expression, $this->content, $match_images); if (isset($match_images[2]) && count($match_images[2])) { foreach ($match_images[2] as $match_image) { $match_image = trim($match_image); if ($match_image) { if (!preg_match($this->full_link_pattern, $match_image, $match)) $match_image = $this->sanitizeUrl($match_image); $this->image_sources[] = $match_image; } } } } $this->image_sources = array_values(array_unique(array_filter($this->image_sources))); return $this->image_sources; } /** * Extract title from grabbed contents * @param boolean $grab , flag to perform real time grab or use class content * @return array, an array of extracted metatags */ public function getTitle($grab = false) { $title = ''; if ($grab) $this->grabContent(); if (!is_null($this->content)) { preg_match($this->title_expression, $this->content, $match_title); $title = empty($match_title[1]) ? '' : $match_title[1]; } return $title; } /** * Extract all metatags sources from grabbed contents * @param boolean $grab , flag to perform real time grab or use class content * @return array, an array of extracted metatags */ public function getMetaTags($grab = false) { $metatags = array(); if ($grab) $this->grabContent(); if (!is_null($this->content)) { preg_match_all($this->metatags_expression_1, $this->content, $match_tags); if (isset($match_tags[2]) && count($match_tags[2])) { foreach ($match_tags[2] as $key => $match_tag) { $key = trim($match_tags[1][$key]); $match_tag = trim($match_tag); if ($match_tag) { $metatags[] = array($key, $match_tag); } } } preg_match_all($this->metatags_expression_2, $this->content, $match_tags_2); if (isset($match_tags_2) && count($match_tags_2)) { foreach ($match_tags_2[0] as $key => $match_tag) { $metatags[] = array( trim( $match_tags_2[2][$key] ), trim( $match_tags_2[1][$key] ) ); } } } return $metatags; } /** * Truncate text in to preferred length * @params text $text, input text to truncate * @params int $length int, how many character to keep * @params string $replace_by string, text to explain continuity * @returned text $text, truncated text */ public function truncateText($text, $length = 50, $replace_by = '...') { $text_parts = explode('_____', wordwrap($text, $length, "_____", false)); $new_text = array_shift($text_parts); if (strlen($text) > strlen($new_text)) { return $new_text . $replace_by; } return $text; } /** * Set link type to extract from grabbed contents * @params string $link_type */ public function setLinksType($link_type = 'all') { $this->link_type = $link_type; } /** * Prepare base and full url from given website link to grab */ private function setUrls() { $host = parse_url($this->target_url, PHP_URL_HOST); $host = $host ? $host : parse_url($this->target_url, PHP_URL_PATH); $this->base_url = 'http://' . rtrim($host, '/') . '/'; $this->domain = $host; $this->internal_link_pattern = str_replace("#domain#", $this->domain, $this->internal_link_pattern); $this->absolute_url = substr($this->target_url, 0, strrpos($this->target_url, '/')); $this->absolute_url = $this->absolute_url ? $this->absolute_url . '/' : $this->base_url; } /** * A private method grabs website content using cUrl * And put content it into a class variable * Can be replace by file_get_contents() but it's very slow, cpu intensive * and does not handle redirects, caching, cookies, etc. */ private function grabContent() { try { $ch = curl_init($this->target_url); curl_setopt_array($ch, $this->curl_options); $this->content = curl_exec($ch); if ($this->content === FALSE) { throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->message = 'Unable to grab site contents'; } curl_close($ch); } private function sanitizeUrl($url) { if (strpos($url, '/') == 0) { $url = $this->base_url . $url; } else { $url = $this->absolute_url . $url; } return $url; } private function getLinkType($url) { if (preg_match($this->internal_link_pattern, $url)) return self::LINK_TYPE_INTERNAL; else if (preg_match($this->external_link_pattern, $url)) return self::LINK_TYPE_EXTERNAL; return self::LINK_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } private function findLinkTitle($url, $link_content = '') { if (preg_match_all($this->href_filter_pattern, $link_content, $matches)) { if (preg_match_all($this->img_expression, $link_content, $match_images)) { if (isset($match_images[2]) && isset($match_images[2][0])) { $image_name = substr($match_images[2][0], strripos($match_images[2][0], '/', 1) + 1); return (strlen($match_images[2][0]) > strlen($image_name) ? 'Image:' : '') . $image_name; } } else { return $url; } } return $link_content; } private function _isCurl() { if (!function_exists('curl_version')) { die('cUrl library is not enabled on this server.'); } } }
- __construct — Class constructor
- __destruct — The class destructor.
- _isCurl
- findLinkTitle
- getContent — A public function to grab and return content
- getHrefLinks — Extract all href links from grab contents
- getImageSources — Extract all images sources from grabbed contents
- getLinkType
- getMetaTags — Extract all metatags sources from grabbed contents
- getTitle — Extract title from grabbed contents
- grabContent — A private method grabs website content using cUrl And put content it into a class variable Can be replace by file_get_contents() but it's very slow, cpu intensive and does not handle redirects, caching, cookies, etc.
- sanitizeUrl
- setLinksType — Set link type to extract from grabbed contents
- setUrls — Prepare base and full url from given website link to grab
- truncateText — Truncate text in to preferred length
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