File: bp-core/bp-core-attachments.php |
Description |
bp_attachments_pre_cover_image_ajax_upload |
Filters whether or not to handle cover photo uploading. |
{$object_data[‘component’]}_cover_image_uploaded |
Fires if the new cover photo was successfully uploaded. |
bp_attachments_cover_image_ajax_delete() |
Ajax delete a cover photo for a given object and item id. |
{$component}_cover_image_deleted |
Fires if the cover photo was successfully deleted. |
bp_attachments_get_group_has_cover_image() |
Does the group has a cover photo? |
bp_attachments_cover_image_generate_file() |
Generate the cover photo file. |
bp_attachments_cover_image_ajax_upload() |
Ajax Upload and set a cover photo |
bp_attachments_get_plupload_l10n() |
Builds localization strings for the BuddyPress Uploader scripts. |
bp_attachments_enqueue_scripts() |
Enqueues the script needed for the Uploader UI. |
bp_attachments_avatar_nav |
Use this filter to add a navigation to a custom tool to set the object’s avatar. |