File: bp-core/bp-core-attachments.php |
Description |
bp_attachments_enqueue_scripts() |
Enqueues the script needed for the Uploader UI. |
bp_attachments_avatar_nav |
Use this filter to add a navigation to a custom tool to set the object’s avatar. |
bp_attachments_enqueue_scripts |
Fires at the conclusion of bp_attachments_enqueue_scripts() to avoid the scripts to be loaded more than once. |
bp_attachments_current_user_can() |
Check the current user’s capability to edit an avatar for a given object. |
bp_attachments_current_user_can |
Needed avatar arguments are set. |
bp_attachments_json_response() |
Send a JSON response back to an Ajax upload request. |
bp_attachments_get_template_part() |
Get an Attachment template part. |
bp_attachments_get_cover_image_settings() |
Get the cover photo settings |
bp_attachments_get_cover_image_dimensions() |
Get cover photo Width and Height. |
bp_attachments_get_cover_image_dimensions |
Filter here to edit the cover photo dimensions if needed. |