File: bp-integrations/learndash/library/SyncGenerator.php |
Description |
SyncGenerator::loadBpGroupId() |
Find the bp group id on current ld group |
SyncGenerator::loadLdGroupId() |
Find the ld group id on current bp group |
SyncGenerator::setBpGroupId() |
Sasve bp group id to current ld group |
SyncGenerator::syncBpAdmin() |
Sync a bp admin to ld |
SyncGenerator::syncBpMod() |
Sync a bp mod to ld |
SyncGenerator::syncBpMember() |
Sync a bp member to ld |
SyncGenerator::syncLdAdmin() |
Sync a ld admin to bp |
SyncGenerator::deleteBpGroup() |
delete the bp group without trigging sync |
SyncGenerator::deleteLdGroup() |
delete the ld group without trigging sync |
SyncGenerator::associateToBuddypress() |
Associate current ld group to bp group |