File: bp-templates/bp-nouveau/includes/blogs/functions.php |
Description |
bp_nouveau_get_blogs_directory_nav_items |
Use this filter to introduce your custom nav items for the blogs directory. |
bp_nouveau_get_blogs_filters() |
Get Dropdown filters for the blogs component |
bp_nouveau_get_blogs_filters |
Recommended, filter here instead of adding an action to ‘bp_member_blog_order_options’ or ‘bp_blogs_directory_order_options’ |
bp_nouveau_blogs_catch_button_args() |
Catch the arguments for buttons |
bp_nouveau_blogs_customizer_settings() |
Add settings to the customizer for the blogs component. |
bp_nouveau_blogs_customizer_controls() |
Add controls for the settings of the customizer for the blogs component. |
bp_nouveau_get_blog_signup_inline_script() |
Inline script to toggle the signup blog form |
bp_nouveau_blog_loop_item_has_lastest_post() |
Filter bp_get_blog_class(). |
bp_nouveau_get_blogs_directory_nav_items() |
Get blog directory navigation menu items. |