Return ID of current user
(int) Current user id
File: bp-forums/users/template.php
81 82 83 | function bbp_get_current_user_id() { return apply_filters( 'bbp_get_current_user_id' , bbp_get_user_id( 0, false, true ) ); } |
Version | Description |
bbPress (r2574) | Introduced. |
Uses | Description |
bp-forums/users/template.php: bbp_get_user_id() |
Return a validated user id |
Used By | Description |
bp-forums/classes/class-bp-rest-topics-endpoint.php: BP_REST_Topics_Endpoint::get_items() |
Retrieve Topics. |
bp-forums/classes/class-bp-rest-topics-endpoint.php: BP_REST_Topics_Endpoint::create_item() |
Create a topic. |
bp-forums/classes/class-bp-rest-topics-endpoint.php: BP_REST_Topics_Endpoint::update_item() |
Update/Edit a topic. |
bp-forums/classes/class-bp-rest-reply-endpoint.php: BP_REST_Reply_Endpoint::create_item() |
Create a reply. |
bp-forums/classes/class-bp-rest-reply-endpoint.php: BP_REST_Reply_Endpoint::update_item() |
Update/Edit a reply. |
bp-forums/classes/class-bp-rest-forums-endpoint.php: BP_REST_Forums_Endpoint::get_items() |
Retrieve Forums. |
bp-forums/templates/default/bbpress-functions.php: BBP_Default::ajax_forum_subscription() |
AJAX handler to Subscribe/Unsubscribe a user from a forum |
bp-forums/templates/default/bbpress-functions.php: BBP_Default::ajax_favorite() |
AJAX handler to add or remove a topic from a user’s favorites |
bp-forums/templates/default/bbpress-functions.php: BBP_Default::ajax_subscription() |
AJAX handler to Subscribe/Unsubscribe a user from a topic |
bp-forums/topics/template.php: bbp_get_form_topic_subscribed() |
Return checked value of topic subscription |
bp-forums/topics/functions.php: bbp_update_topic() |
Handle all the extra meta stuff from posting a new topic |
bp-forums/topics/functions.php: bbp_insert_topic() |
A wrapper for wp_insert_post() that also includes the necessary meta values for the topic to function properly. |
bp-forums/topics/functions.php: bbp_new_topic_handler() |
Handles the front end topic submission |
bp-forums/topics/functions.php: bbp_edit_topic_handler() |
Handles the front end edit topic submission |
bp-forums/users/capabilities.php: bbp_is_user_deleted() |
Checks if the user has been marked as deleted. |
bp-forums/users/capabilities.php: bbp_is_user_active() |
Checks if user is active |
bp-forums/users/capabilities.php: bbp_is_user_inactive() |
Checks if user is not active. |
bp-forums/users/capabilities.php: bbp_is_user_keymaster() |
Checks if user is a keymaster |
bp-forums/users/capabilities.php: bbp_set_current_user_default_role() |
Add the default role to the current user if needed |
bp-forums/users/capabilities.php: bbp_is_user_spammer() |
Checks if the user has been marked as a spammer. |
bp-forums/users/template.php: bbp_user_can_view_forum() |
Check if the user can access a specific forum |
bp-forums/users/template.php: bbp_logged_in_redirect() |
Redirect a user back to their profile if they are already logged in. |
bp-forums/users/template.php: bbp_get_current_user_avatar() |
Return avatar of current user |
bp-forums/users/template.php: bbp_current_user_id() |
Output ID of current user |
bp-forums/forums/template.php: bbp_get_form_forum_subscribed() |
Return checked value of forum subscription |
bp-forums/forums/functions.php: bbp_exclude_forum_ids() |
Returns a meta_query that either includes or excludes hidden forum IDs from a query. |
bp-forums/forums/functions.php: bbp_insert_forum() |
A wrapper for wp_insert_post() that also includes the necessary meta values for the forum to function properly. |
bp-forums/forums/functions.php: bbp_new_forum_handler() |
Handles the front end forum submission |
bp-forums/common/widgets.php: BBP_Login_Widget::widget() |
Displays the output, the login form |
bp-forums/activity.php: BBP_BuddyPress_Activity::record_activity() |
Wrapper for recoding Forums actions to the BuddyBoss activity stream |
bp-forums/replies/functions.php: bbp_update_reply() |
Handle all the extra meta stuff from posting a new reply or editing a reply |
bp-forums/replies/functions.php: bbp_insert_reply() |
A wrapper for wp_insert_post() that also includes the necessary meta values for the reply to function properly. |
bp-forums/replies/functions.php: bbp_new_reply_handler() |
Handles the front end reply submission |
bp-forums/replies/functions.php: bbp_edit_reply_handler() |
Handles the front end edit reply submission |
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