bbp_new_converter( string $platform )
This is a function that is purposely written to look like a “new” statement.
It is basically a dynamic loader that will load in the platform conversion of your choice.
- $platform
(Required) Name of valid platform class.
File: bp-forums/admin/converter.php
function bbp_new_converter( $platform ) { $found = false; if ( $curdir = opendir( bbpress()->admin->admin_dir . 'converters/' ) ) { while ( $file = readdir( $curdir ) ) { if ( stristr( $file, '.php' ) && stristr( $file, 'index' ) === FALSE ) { $file = preg_replace( '/.php/', '', $file ); if ( $platform == $file ) { $found = true; continue; } } } closedir( $curdir ); } if ( true === $found ) { require_once( bbpress()->admin->admin_dir . 'converters/' . $platform . '.php' ); return new $platform; } else { return null; } }
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