Outputs the first embedded item in the activity oEmbed template.
File: bp-activity/bp-activity-embeds.php
function bp_activity_embed_media() { // Bail if oEmbed request explicitly hides media. if ( isset( $_GET['hide_media'] ) && true == wp_validate_boolean( $_GET['hide_media'] ) ) { /** * Do something after media is rendered for an activity oEmbed item. * * @since BuddyPress 2.6.0 */ do_action( 'bp_activity_embed_after_media' ); return; } /** * Should we display media in the oEmbed template? * * @since BuddyPress 2.6.0 * * @param bool $retval Defaults to true. */ $allow_media = apply_filters( 'bp_activity_embed_display_media', true ); // Find oEmbeds from only WP registered providers. bp_remove_all_filters( 'oembed_providers' ); $media = bp_core_extract_media_from_content( $GLOBALS['activities_template']->activity->content, 'embeds' ); bp_restore_all_filters( 'oembed_providers' ); // oEmbeds have precedence over inline video / audio. if ( isset( $media['embeds'] ) && true === $allow_media ) { // Autoembed first URL. $oembed_defaults = wp_embed_defaults(); $oembed_args = array( 'width' => $oembed_defaults['width'], 'height' => $oembed_defaults['height'], 'discover' => true ); $url = $media['embeds'][0]['url']; $cachekey = '_oembed_response_' . md5( $url . serialize( $oembed_args ) ); // Try to fetch oEmbed response from meta. $oembed = bp_activity_get_meta( bp_get_activity_id(), $cachekey ); // No cache, so fetch full oEmbed response now! if ( '' === $oembed ) { $o = _wp_oembed_get_object(); $oembed = $o->fetch( $o->get_provider( $url, $oembed_args ), $url, $oembed_args ); // Cache oEmbed response. bp_activity_update_meta( bp_get_activity_id(), $cachekey, $oembed ); } $content = ''; /** * Filters the default embed display max width. * * This is used if the oEmbed response does not return a thumbnail width. * * @since BuddyPress 2.6.0 * * @param int $width. */ $width = (int) apply_filters( 'bp_activity_embed_display_media_width', 550 ); // Set thumbnail. if ( 'photo' === $oembed->type ) { $thumbnail = $oembed->url; } elseif ( isset( $oembed->thumbnail_url ) ) { $thumbnail = $oembed->thumbnail_url; /* Non-oEmbed standard attributes */ // Mixcloud } elseif ( isset( $oembed->image ) ) { $thumbnail = $oembed->image; // ReverbNation } elseif ( isset( $oembed->{'thumbnail-url'} ) ) { $thumbnail = $oembed->{'thumbnail-url'}; } // Display thumb and related oEmbed meta. if ( true === isset ( $thumbnail ) ) { $play_icon = $caption = ''; // Add play icon for non-photos. if ( 'photo' !== $oembed->type ) { /** * ion-play icon from Ionicons. * * @link http://ionicons.com/ * @license MIT */ $play_icon = <<<EOD <svg id="Layer_1" style="enable-background:new 0 0 512 512;" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 512 512" xml:space="preserve" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"><path d="M405.2,232.9L126.8,67.2c-3.4-2-6.9-3.2-10.9-3.2c-10.9,0-19.8,9-19.8,20H96v344h0.1c0,11,8.9,20,19.8,20 c4.1,0,7.5-1.4,11.2-3.4l278.1-165.5c6.6-5.5,10.8-13.8,10.8-23.1C416,246.7,411.8,238.5,405.2,232.9z"/></svg> EOD; $play_icon = sprintf( '<a rel="nofollow" class="play-btn" href="%1$s" onclick="top.location.href=\'%1$s\'">%2$s</a>', esc_url( $url ), $play_icon ); } // Thumb width $thumb_width = isset( $oembed->thumbnail_width ) && 'photo' !== $oembed->type && (int) $oembed->thumbnail_width < 550 ? (int) $oembed->thumbnail_width : $width; $float_width = 350; // Set up thumb. $content = sprintf( '<div class="thumb" style="max-width:%1$spx">%2$s<a href="%3$s" rel="nofollow" onclick="top.location.href=\'%3$s\'"><img src="%4$s" /></a></div>', $thumb_width, $play_icon, esc_url( $url ), esc_url( $thumbnail ) ); // Show title. if ( isset( $oembed->title ) ) { $caption .= sprintf( '<p class="caption-title"><strong>%s</strong></p>', apply_filters( 'single_post_title', $oembed->title ) ); } // Show description (non-oEmbed standard) if ( isset( $oembed->description ) ) { $caption .= sprintf( '<div class="caption-description">%s</div>', apply_filters( 'bp_activity_get_embed_excerpt', $oembed->description ) ); } // Show author info. if ( isset( $oembed->provider_name ) && isset( $oembed->author_name ) ) { /* translators: By [oEmbed author] on [oEmbed provider]. eg. By BuddyPress on YouTube. */ $anchor_text = sprintf( __( 'By %1$s on %2$s', 'buddyboss' ), $oembed->author_name, $oembed->provider_name ); } elseif ( isset( $oembed->provider_name ) ) { $anchor_text = sprintf( __( 'View on %s', 'buddyboss' ), $oembed->provider_name ); } if ( true === isset( $anchor_text ) ) { $caption .= sprintf( '<a rel="nofollow" href="%1$s" onclick="top.location.href=\'%1$s\'">%2$s</a>', esc_url( $url ), apply_filters( 'the_title', $anchor_text ) ); } // Set up caption. if ( '' !== $caption ) { $css_class = isset( $oembed->provider_name ) ? sprintf( ' provider-%s', sanitize_html_class( strtolower( $oembed->provider_name ) ) ) : ''; $caption = sprintf( '<div class="caption%1$s" style="width:%2$s">%3$s</div>', $css_class, $thumb_width > $float_width ? 100 . '%' : round( ( $width - (int) $thumb_width ) / $width * 100 ) . '%', $caption ); $content .= $caption; } } // Print rich content. if ( '' !== $content ) { printf( '<div class="bp-activity-embed-display-media %s" style="max-width:%spx">%s</div>', $thumb_width < $float_width ? 'two-col' : 'one-col', $thumb_width < $float_width ? $width : $thumb_width, $content ); } // Video / audio. } elseif ( true === $allow_media ) { // Call BP_Embed if it hasn't already loaded. bp_embed_init(); // Run shortcode and embed routine. $content = buddypress()->embed->run_shortcode( $GLOBALS['activities_template']->activity->content ); $content = buddypress()->embed->autoembed( $content ); // Try to find inline video / audio. $media = bp_core_extract_media_from_content( $content, 96 ); // Video takes precedence. HTML5-only. if ( isset( $media['videos'] ) && 'shortcodes' === $media['videos'][0]['source'] ) { printf( '<video controls preload="metadata"><source src="%1$s"><p>%2$s</p></video>', esc_url( $media['videos'][0]['url'] ), esc_html__( 'Your browser does not support HTML5 video', 'buddyboss' ) ); // No video? Try audio. HTML5-only. } elseif ( isset( $media['audio'] ) && 'shortcodes' === $media['audio'][0]['source'] ) { printf( '<audio controls preload="metadata"><source src="%1$s"><p>%2$s</p></audio>', esc_url( $media['audio'][0]['url'] ), esc_html__( 'Your browser does not support HTML5 audio', 'buddyboss' ) ); } } /** This hook is documented in /bp-activity/bp-activity-embeds.php */ do_action( 'bp_activity_embed_after_media' ); }
Version | Description |
BuddyPress 2.6.0 | Introduced. |
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