Enqueue @mentions JS.
File: bp-activity/bp-activity-cssjs.php
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 | function bp_activity_mentions_script() { if ( ! bp_activity_maybe_load_mentions_scripts() ) { return ; } // Special handling for New/Edit screens in wp-admin. if ( is_admin() ) { if ( ! get_current_screen() || ! in_array( get_current_screen()->base, array ( 'page' , 'post' ) ) || ! post_type_supports( get_current_screen()->post_type, 'editor' ) ) { return ; } } $min = bp_core_get_minified_asset_suffix(); wp_enqueue_script( 'bp-mentions' , buddypress()->plugin_url . "bp-activity/js/mentions{$min}.js" , array ( 'jquery' , 'jquery-atwho' ), bp_get_version(), true ); wp_enqueue_style( 'bp-mentions-css' , buddypress()->plugin_url . "bp-activity/css/mentions{$min}.css" , array (), bp_get_version() ); wp_style_add_data( 'bp-mentions-css' , 'rtl' , true ); if ( $min ) { wp_style_add_data( 'bp-mentions-css' , 'suffix' , $min ); } wp_localize_script( 'bp-mentions' , 'BP_Mentions_Options' , bp_at_mention_default_options() ); // If the script has been enqueued, let's attach our mentions TinyMCE init callback. add_filter( 'tiny_mce_before_init' , 'bp_add_mentions_on_tinymce_init' , 10, 2 ); /** * Fires at the end of the Activity Mentions script. * * This is the hook where BP components can add their own prefetched results * friends to the page for quicker @mentions lookups. * * @since BuddyPress 2.1.0 */ do_action( 'bp_activity_mentions_prime_results' ); } |
Version | Description |
BuddyPress 2.1.0 | Introduced. |
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