Ajax Upload and set a cover photo
(string|null) A json object containing success data if the upload succeeded, error message otherwise.
File: bp-core/bp-core-attachments.php
function bp_attachments_cover_image_ajax_upload() { if ( ! bp_is_post_request() ) { wp_die(); } check_admin_referer( 'bp-uploader' ); // Sending the json response will be different if the current Plupload runtime is html4. $is_html4 = ! empty( $_POST['html4' ] ); if ( empty( $_POST['bp_params'] ) ) { bp_attachments_json_response( false, $is_html4 ); } $bp_params = bp_parse_args( $_POST['bp_params'], array( 'object' => 'user', 'item_id' => bp_loggedin_user_id(), ), 'attachments_cover_image_ajax_upload' ); $bp_params['item_id'] = (int) $bp_params['item_id']; $bp_params['object'] = sanitize_text_field( $bp_params['object'] ); // We need the object to set the uploads dir filter. if ( empty( $bp_params['object'] ) ) { bp_attachments_json_response( false, $is_html4 ); } // Capability check. if ( ! bp_attachments_current_user_can( 'edit_cover_image', $bp_params ) ) { bp_attachments_json_response( false, $is_html4 ); } $bp = buddypress(); $needs_reset = array(); // Member's cover photo. if ( 'user' === $bp_params['object'] ) { $object_data = array( 'dir' => 'members', 'component' => 'xprofile' ); if ( ! bp_displayed_user_id() && ! empty( $bp_params['item_id'] ) ) { $needs_reset = array( 'key' => 'displayed_user', 'value' => $bp->displayed_user ); $bp->displayed_user->id = $bp_params['item_id']; } // Group's cover photo. } elseif ( 'group' === $bp_params['object'] ) { $object_data = array( 'dir' => 'groups', 'component' => 'groups' ); if ( ! bp_get_current_group_id() && ! empty( $bp_params['item_id'] ) ) { $needs_reset = array( 'component' => 'groups', 'key' => 'current_group', 'value' => $bp->groups->current_group ); $bp->groups->current_group = groups_get_group( $bp_params['item_id'] ); } // Other object's cover photo. } else { $object_data = apply_filters( 'bp_attachments_cover_image_object_dir', array(), $bp_params['object'] ); } // Stop here in case of a missing parameter for the object. if ( empty( $object_data['dir'] ) || empty( $object_data['component'] ) ) { bp_attachments_json_response( false, $is_html4 ); } /** * Filters whether or not to handle cover photo uploading. * * If you want to override this function, make sure you return an array with the 'result' key set. * * @since BuddyPress 2.5.1 * * @param array $value * @param array $bp_params * @param array $needs_reset Stores original value of certain globals we need to revert to later. * @param array $object_data */ $pre_filter = apply_filters( 'bp_attachments_pre_cover_image_ajax_upload', array(), $bp_params, $needs_reset, $object_data ); if ( isset( $pre_filter['result'] ) ) { bp_attachments_json_response( $pre_filter['result'], $is_html4, $pre_filter ); } $cover_image_attachment = new BP_Attachment_Cover_Image(); $uploaded = $cover_image_attachment->upload( $_FILES ); // Reset objects. if ( ! empty( $needs_reset ) ) { if ( ! empty( $needs_reset['component'] ) ) { $bp->{$needs_reset['component']}->{$needs_reset['key']} = $needs_reset['value']; } else { $bp->{$needs_reset['key']} = $needs_reset['value']; } } if ( ! empty( $uploaded['error'] ) ) { // Upload error response. bp_attachments_json_response( false, $is_html4, array( 'type' => 'upload_error', 'message' => sprintf( __( 'Upload Error: %s', 'buddyboss' ), $uploaded['error'] ), ) ); } $error_message = __( 'There was a problem uploading the cover photo.', 'buddyboss' ); $bp_attachments_uploads_dir = bp_attachments_cover_image_upload_dir(); // The BP Attachments Uploads Dir is not set, stop. if ( ! $bp_attachments_uploads_dir ) { bp_attachments_json_response( false, $is_html4, array( 'type' => 'upload_error', 'message' => $error_message, ) ); } $cover_subdir = $object_data['dir'] . '/' . $bp_params['item_id'] . '/cover-image'; $cover_dir = trailingslashit( $bp_attachments_uploads_dir['basedir'] ) . $cover_subdir; if ( 1 === validate_file( $cover_dir ) || ! is_dir( $cover_dir ) ) { // Upload error response. bp_attachments_json_response( false, $is_html4, array( 'type' => 'upload_error', 'message' => $error_message, ) ); } /* * Generate the cover photo so that it fit to feature's dimensions * * Unlike the avatar, uploading and generating the cover photo is happening during * the same Ajax request, as we already instantiated the BP_Attachment_Cover_Image * class, let's use it. */ $cover = bp_attachments_cover_image_generate_file( array( 'file' => $uploaded['file'], 'component' => $object_data['component'], 'cover_image_dir' => $cover_dir ), $cover_image_attachment ); if ( ! $cover ) { bp_attachments_json_response( false, $is_html4, array( 'type' => 'upload_error', 'message' => $error_message, ) ); } $cover_url = trailingslashit( $bp_attachments_uploads_dir['baseurl'] ) . $cover_subdir . '/' . $cover['cover_basename']; // 1 is success. $feedback_code = 1; // 0 is the size warning. if ( $cover['is_too_small'] ) { $feedback_code = 0; } // Set the name of the file. $name = $_FILES['file']['name']; $name_parts = pathinfo( $name ); $name = trim( substr( $name, 0, - ( 1 + strlen( $name_parts['extension'] ) ) ) ); /** * Fires if the new cover photo was successfully uploaded. * * The dynamic portion of the hook will be xprofile in case of a user's * cover photo, groups in case of a group's cover photo. For instance: * Use add_action( 'xprofile_cover_image_uploaded' ) to run your specific * code once the user has set his cover photo. * * @since BuddyPress 2.4.0 * @since BuddyPress 3.0.0 Added $cover_url, $name, $feedback_code arguments. * * @param int $item_id Inform about the item id the cover photo was set for. * @param string $name Filename. * @param string $cover_url URL to the image. * @param int $feedback_code If value not 1, an error occured. */ do_action( $object_data['component'] . '_cover_image_uploaded', (int) $bp_params['item_id'], $name, $cover_url, $feedback_code ); // Finally return the cover photo url to the UI. bp_attachments_json_response( true, $is_html4, array( 'name' => $name, 'url' => $cover_url, 'feedback_code' => $feedback_code, ) ); }
Version | Description |
BuddyPress 2.4.0 | Introduced. |
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