Register registration page fields
File: bp-core/admin/bp-core-admin-pages.php
function bp_core_admin_register_registration_page_fields() { add_settings_section( 'bp_registration_pages', __( 'Registration Pages', 'buddyboss' ), 'bp_core_admin_registration_pages_description', 'bp-pages' ); $existing_pages = bp_core_get_directory_page_ids(); $static_pages = bp_core_admin_get_static_pages(); $description = ''; foreach ($static_pages as $name => $label) { $title = $label; if ( 'register' === $name ) { $description = 'New users fill out this form to register their accounts.'; } elseif ( 'terms' === $name ) { $description = 'If a page is added, its contents will display in a popup on the register form.'; } elseif ( 'privacy' === $name ) { $description = 'If a page is added, its contents will display in a popup on the register form.'; } elseif ( 'activate' === $name ) { $description = 'After registering, users are sent to this page to activate their accounts.'; } if ( 'button' === $name ) { $title = ''; } add_settings_field( $name, $title, 'bp_admin_setting_callback_page_directory_dropdown', 'bp-pages', 'bp_registration_pages', compact('existing_pages', 'name', 'label', 'description' ) ); register_setting( 'bp-pages', $name, [] ); } }
Version | Description |
BuddyBoss 1.0.0 | Introduced. |
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