AJAX get messages for each thread.
File: bp-templates/bp-nouveau/includes/messages/ajax.php
function bp_nouveau_ajax_get_thread_messages() { global $thread_template, $media_template; if ( empty( $_POST['nonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['nonce'], 'bp_nouveau_messages' ) ) { wp_send_json_error( array( 'feedback' => __( 'Unauthorized request.', 'buddyboss' ), 'type' => 'error' ) ); } $response = array( 'feedback' => __( 'Sorry, no messages were found.', 'buddyboss' ), 'type' => 'info' ); $response_no_more = array( 'feedback' => __( 'Sorry, no more messages can be loaded.', 'buddyboss' ), 'type' => 'info' ); if ( empty( $_POST['id'] ) ) { wp_send_json_error( $response ); } $thread_id = (int) $_POST['id']; $bp = buddypress(); $reset_action = $bp->current_action; // Override bp_current_action(). $bp->current_action = 'view'; bp_get_thread( array( 'thread_id' => $thread_id ) ); $thread = new stdClass; // Check recipients if connected or not if ( bp_force_friendship_to_message() && bp_is_active( 'friends' ) ) { $recipients = (array) $thread_template->thread->recipients; // Strip the sender from the recipient list, and unset them if they are // not alone. If they are alone, let them talk to themselves. if ( isset( $recipients[ bp_loggedin_user_id() ] ) && ( count( $recipients ) > 1 ) ) { unset( $recipients[ bp_loggedin_user_id() ] ); } foreach ( $recipients as $recipient ) { if ( bp_loggedin_user_id() != $recipient->user_id && ! friends_check_friendship( bp_loggedin_user_id(), $recipient->user_id ) ) { if ( sizeof( $recipients ) > 1 ) { $thread->feedback_error = array( 'feedback' => __( 'You need to be connected with all recipients to continue this conversation.', 'buddyboss' ), 'type' => 'error' ); } else { $thread->feedback_error = array( 'feedback' => __( 'You need to be connected with this member to continue this conversation.', 'buddyboss' ), 'type' => 'error' ); } break; } } } // Simulate the loop. $args = [ 'thread_id' => $thread_id, 'per_page' => isset($_POST['per_page']) && $_POST['per_page']? $_POST['per_page'] : 10, 'before' => isset($_POST['before']) && $_POST['before']? $_POST['before'] : null, ]; if ( ! bp_thread_has_messages( $args ) ) { // Remove the bp_current_action() override. $bp->current_action = $reset_action; wp_send_json_error( $args['before']? $response_no_more : $response ); } if ( empty( $_POST['js_thread'] ) ) { $thread->thread = array( 'id' => bp_get_the_thread_id(), 'subject' => strip_tags( bp_get_the_thread_subject() ), 'started_date' => date( get_option('date_format'), strtotime($thread_template->thread->first_message_date) ) ); if ( is_array( $thread_template->thread->recipients ) ) { foreach ( $thread_template->thread->recipients as $recipient ) { if ( empty( $recipient->is_deleted ) ) { $thread->thread['recipients'][] = array( 'avatar' => esc_url( bp_core_fetch_avatar( array( 'item_id' => $recipient->user_id, 'object' => 'user', 'type' => 'thumb', 'width' => BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH, 'height' => BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT, 'html' => false, ) ) ), 'user_link' => bp_core_get_userlink( $recipient->user_id, false, true ), 'user_name' => bp_core_get_user_displayname( $recipient->user_id ), 'is_you' => $recipient->user_id == bp_loggedin_user_id() ); } } } } $thread->messages = array(); $i = 0; while ( bp_thread_messages() ) : bp_thread_the_message(); $thread->messages[ $i ] = array( 'id' => bp_get_the_thread_message_id(), 'content' => do_shortcode( bp_get_the_thread_message_content() ), 'sender_id' => bp_get_the_thread_message_sender_id(), 'sender_name' => esc_html( bp_get_the_thread_message_sender_name() ), 'sender_link' => bp_get_the_thread_message_sender_link(), 'sender_is_you' => bp_get_the_thread_message_sender_id() === bp_loggedin_user_id(), 'sender_avatar' => esc_url( bp_core_fetch_avatar( array( 'item_id' => bp_get_the_thread_message_sender_id(), 'object' => 'user', 'type' => 'thumb', 'width' => 32, 'height' => 32, 'html' => false, ) ) ), 'date' => bp_get_the_thread_message_date_sent() * 1000, 'display_date' => bp_get_the_thread_message_time_since(), ); if ( bp_is_active( 'messages', 'star' ) ) { $star_link = bp_get_the_message_star_action_link( array( 'message_id' => bp_get_the_thread_message_id(), 'url_only' => true, ) ); $thread->messages[ $i ]['star_link'] = $star_link; $thread->messages[ $i ]['is_starred'] = array_search( 'unstar', explode( '/', $star_link ) ); $thread->messages[ $i ]['star_nonce'] = wp_create_nonce( 'bp-messages-star-' . bp_get_the_thread_message_id() ); } if ( bp_is_active( 'media' ) && bp_is_messages_media_support_enabled() ) { $media_ids = bp_messages_get_meta( bp_get_the_thread_message_id(), 'bp_media_ids', true ); if ( ! empty( $media_ids ) && bp_has_media( array( 'include' => $media_ids, 'order_by' => 'menu_order', 'sort' => 'ASC' ) ) ) { $thread->messages[ $i ]['media'] = array(); while ( bp_media() ) { bp_the_media(); $thread->messages[ $i ]['media'][] = array( 'id' => bp_get_media_id(), 'title' => bp_get_media_title(), 'thumbnail' => bp_get_media_attachment_image_thumbnail(), 'full' => bp_get_media_attachment_image(), 'meta' => $media_template->media->attachment_data->meta, ); } } } if ( bp_is_active( 'media' ) && bp_is_messages_gif_support_enabled() ) { $gif_data = bp_messages_get_meta( bp_get_the_thread_message_id(), '_gif_data', true ); if ( ! empty( $gif_data ) ) { $preview_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $gif_data['still'] ); $video_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $gif_data['mp4'] ); $thread->messages[ $i ]['gif'] = array( 'preview_url' => $preview_url, 'video_url' => $video_url, ); } } $extra_content = bp_nouveau_messages_catch_hook_content( array( 'beforeMeta' => 'bp_before_message_meta', 'afterMeta' => 'bp_after_message_meta', 'beforeContent' => 'bp_before_message_content', 'afterContent' => 'bp_after_message_content', ) ); if ( array_filter( $extra_content ) ) { $thread->messages[ $i ] = array_merge( $thread->messages[ $i ], $extra_content ); } $i += 1; endwhile; $thread->messages = array_filter( $thread->messages ); // Remove the bp_current_action() override. $bp->current_action = $reset_action; // pagination $thread->per_page = $thread_template->thread->messages_perpage; $thread->messages_count = $thread_template->thread->total_messages; $thread->next_messages_timestamp = $thread_template->thread->messages[count($thread_template->thread->messages) - 1]->date_sent; wp_send_json_success( $thread ); }
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