bp_nouveau_get_members_buttons( $args )

Get the action buttons for the displayed user profile





File: bp-templates/bp-nouveau/includes/members/template-tags.php

	function bp_nouveau_get_members_buttons( $args ) {
		$buttons = array();
		$type = ( ! empty( $args['type'] ) ) ? $args['type'] : '';

		// @todo Not really sure why BP Legacy needed to do this...
		if ( 'profile' === $type && is_admin() && ! ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) ) {
			return $buttons;

		$user_id = bp_displayed_user_id();

		if ( 'loop' === $type || 'friendship_request' === $type ) {
			$user_id = bp_get_member_user_id();
		} elseif ( 'group_member' === $type ) {
			$user_id = bp_get_group_member_id();

		if ( ! $user_id ) {
			return $buttons;

		 * If the 'container' is set to 'ul'
		 * set a var $parent_element to li
		 * otherwise simply pass any value found in args
		 * or set var false.
		$parent_element = false;

		if ( ! empty( $args['container'] ) && 'ul' === $args['container']  ) {
			$parent_element = 'li';
		} elseif ( ! empty( $args['parent_element'] ) ) {
			$parent_element = $args['parent_element'];

		 * If we have an arg value for $button_element passed through
		 * use it to default all the $buttons['button_element'] values
		 * otherwise default to 'a' (anchor)
		 * Or override & hardcode the 'element' string on $buttons array.
		 * Icons sets a class for icon display if not using the button element
		$icons = '';
		if ( ! empty( $args['button_element'] ) ) {
			$button_element = $args['button_element'] ;
		} else {
			$button_element = 'button';
			$icons = ' icons';

		// If we pass through parent classes add them to $button array
		$parent_class = '';
		if ( ! empty( $args['parent_attr']['class'] ) ) {
			$parent_class = $args['parent_attr']['class'];

		$bp_force_friendship_to_message = bp_force_friendship_to_message();

		if ( bp_is_active( 'friends' ) ) {
			// It's the member's connection requests screen
			if ( 'friendship_request' === $type ) {
				$buttons = array(
					'accept_friendship' => array(
						'id'                => 'accept_friendship',
						'position'          => 5,
						'component'         => 'friends',
						'must_be_logged_in' => true,
						'parent_element'    => $parent_element,
						'link_text'         => __( 'Accept', 'buddyboss' ),
						'parent_attr'       => array(
							'id'    => '',
							'class' => $parent_class ,
						'button_element'    => $button_element,
						'button_attr'       => array(
							'class'           => 'button accept',
							'rel'             => '',
					), 'reject_friendship' => array(
						'id'                => 'reject_friendship',
						'position'          => 15,
						'component'         => 'friends',
						'must_be_logged_in' => true,
						'parent_element'    => $parent_element,
						'link_text'         => __( 'Ignore', 'buddyboss' ),
						'parent_attr'       => array(
							'id'    => '',
							'class' => $parent_class,
						'button_element'    => $button_element,
						'button_attr'       => array (
							'class'           => 'button reject',
							'rel'             => '',

				// If button element set add nonce link to data attr
				if ( 'button' === $button_element ) {
					$buttons['accept_friendship']['button_attr']['data-bp-nonce'] = bp_get_friend_accept_request_link();
					$buttons['reject_friendship']['button_attr']['data-bp-nonce'] = bp_get_friend_reject_request_link();
				} else {
					$buttons['accept_friendship']['button_attr']['href'] = bp_get_friend_accept_request_link();
					$buttons['reject_friendship']['button_attr']['href'] = bp_get_friend_reject_request_link();

			// It's any other members screen
			} else {
				 * This filter workaround is waiting for a core adaptation
				 * so that we can directly get the friends button arguments
				 * instead of the button.
				 * See https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/7126
				add_filter( 'bp_get_add_friend_button', 'bp_nouveau_members_catch_button_args', 100, 1 );

				bp_get_add_friend_button( $user_id );

				remove_filter( 'bp_get_add_friend_button', 'bp_nouveau_members_catch_button_args', 100, 1 );

				if ( ! empty( bp_nouveau()->members->button_args ) ) {
					$button_args = bp_nouveau()->members->button_args;

					$buttons['member_friendship'] = array(
						'id'                => 'member_friendship',
						'position'          => 5,
						'component'         => $button_args['component'],
						'must_be_logged_in' => $button_args['must_be_logged_in'],
						'block_self'        => $button_args['block_self'],
						'parent_element'    => $parent_element,
						'link_text'         => $button_args['link_text'],
						'parent_attr'       => array(
							'id'    => $button_args['wrapper_id'],
							'class' => $parent_class . ' ' . $button_args['wrapper_class'],
						'button_element'    => $button_element,
						'button_attr'       => array(
							'id'    => $button_args['link_id'],
							'class' => $button_args['link_class'],
							'rel'   => $button_args['link_rel'],
							'title' => '',

					if ( ! empty( $button_args['button_attr'] ) ) {
						foreach ( $button_args['button_attr'] as $title => $value ) {
							$buttons['member_friendship']['button_attr'][$title] = $value;

					// If button element set add nonce link to data attr
					if ( 'button' === $button_element && 'awaiting_response' !== $button_args['id'] ) {
						$buttons['member_friendship']['button_attr']['data-bp-nonce'] = $button_args['link_href'];
					} else {
						$buttons['member_friendship']['button_element'] = 'a';
						$buttons['member_friendship']['button_attr']['href'] = $button_args['link_href'];

					unset( bp_nouveau()->members->button_args );

		if ( bp_is_active( 'activity' ) && bp_is_activity_follow_active() ) { // add follow button

			 * This filter workaround is waiting for a core adaptation
			 * so that we can directly get the follow button arguments
			 * instead of the button.
			 * See https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/7126
			add_filter( 'bp_get_add_follow_button', 'bp_nouveau_members_catch_button_args', 100, 1 );

			bp_get_add_follow_button( $user_id, bp_loggedin_user_id() );

			remove_filter( 'bp_get_add_follow_button', 'bp_nouveau_members_catch_button_args', 100, 1 );

			if ( ! empty( bp_nouveau()->members->button_args ) ) {
				$button_args = bp_nouveau()->members->button_args;

				$buttons['member_follow'] = array(
					'id'                => 'member_follow',
					'position'          => 10,
					'component'         => $button_args['component'],
					'must_be_logged_in' => $button_args['must_be_logged_in'],
					'block_self'        => $button_args['block_self'],
					'parent_element'    => $parent_element,
					'link_text'         => $button_args['link_text'],
					'parent_attr'       => array(
						'id'    => $button_args['wrapper_id'],
						'class' => $parent_class . ' ' . $button_args['wrapper_class'],
					'button_element'    => $button_element,
					'button_attr'       => array(
						'id'    => $button_args['link_id'],
						'class' => $button_args['link_class'],
						'rel'   => $button_args['link_rel'],
						'title' => '',

				if ( ! empty( $button_args['button_attr'] ) ) {
					foreach ( $button_args['button_attr'] as $title => $value ) {
						$buttons['member_follow']['button_attr'][$title] = $value;

				// If button element set add nonce link to data attr
				if ( 'button' === $button_element ) {
					$buttons['member_follow']['button_attr']['data-bp-nonce'] = $button_args['link_href'];
				} else {
					$buttons['member_follow']['button_element'] = 'a';
					$buttons['member_follow']['button_attr']['href'] = $button_args['link_href'];

				unset( bp_nouveau()->members->button_args );

		// Only add The public and private messages when not in a loop
		//if ( 'profile' === $type ) {
			if ( bp_is_active( 'activity' ) && bp_activity_do_mentions() ) {
				 * This filter workaround is waiting for a core adaptation
				 * so that we can directly get the public message button arguments
				 * instead of the button.
				 * See https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/7126

				if ( ! empty( bp_nouveau()->members->button_args ) ) {
					$button_args = bp_nouveau()->members->button_args;

					 * This button should remain as an anchor link.
					 * Hardcode the use of anchor elements if button arg passed in for other elements.
					$buttons['public_message'] = array(
						'id'                => $button_args['id'],
						'position'          => 15,
						'component'         => $button_args['component'],
						'must_be_logged_in' => $button_args['must_be_logged_in'],
						'block_self'        => $button_args['block_self'],
						'parent_element'    => $parent_element,
						'button_element'    => 'a',
						'link_text'         => $button_args['link_text'],
						'parent_attr'       => array(
							'id'    => $button_args['wrapper_id'],
							'class' => $parent_class,
						'button_attr'       => array(
							'href'             => $button_args['link_href'],
							'id'               => '',
							'class'            => $button_args['link_class'],
					unset( bp_nouveau()->members->button_args );

			if ( ( bp_is_active( 'messages' ) && ! $bp_force_friendship_to_message ) ||
			     ( $bp_force_friendship_to_message && bp_is_active( 'friends' ) && friends_check_friendship( bp_loggedin_user_id(), $user_id ) )
			) {
				 * This filter workaround is waiting for a core adaptation
				 * so that we can directly get the private messages button arguments
				 * instead of the button.
				 * @see https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/7126
				add_filter( 'bp_get_send_message_button_args', 'bp_nouveau_members_catch_button_args', 100, 1 );


				remove_filter( 'bp_get_send_message_button_args', 'bp_nouveau_members_catch_button_args', 100, 1 );

				if ( ! empty( bp_nouveau()->members->button_args ) ) {
					$button_args = bp_nouveau()->members->button_args;

					 * This button should remain as an anchor link.
					 * Hardcode the use of anchor elements if button arg passed in for other elements.
					$buttons['private_message'] = array(
						'id'                => $button_args['id'],
						'position'          => 25,
						'component'         => $button_args['component'],
						'must_be_logged_in' => $button_args['must_be_logged_in'],
						'block_self'        => $button_args['block_self'],
						'parent_element'    => $parent_element,
						'button_element'    => 'a',
						'link_text'         => $button_args['link_text'],
						'parent_attr'       => array(
							'id'    => $button_args['wrapper_id'],
							'class' => $parent_class,
						'button_attr'       => array(
							'href'  => wp_nonce_url( trailingslashit( bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_messages_slug() ) . 'compose/?r=' . bp_core_get_username( $user_id ) ),
							'id'    => false,
							'class' => $button_args['link_class'],
							'rel'   => '',
							'title' => '',

					unset( bp_nouveau()->members->button_args );

	 * This filter workaround is waiting for a core adaptation
	 * so that we can directly get the follow button arguments
	 * instead of the button.
	 * See https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/7126
		add_filter( 'bp_get_add_switch_button', 'bp_nouveau_members_catch_button_args', 100, 1 );

		bp_get_add_switch_button( $user_id );

		remove_filter( 'bp_get_add_switch_button', 'bp_nouveau_members_catch_button_args', 100, 1 );

		if ( ! empty( bp_nouveau()->members->button_args ) ) {
			$button_args = bp_nouveau()->members->button_args;

			$buttons['member_switch'] = array(
				'id'                => 'member_switch',
				'position'          => 30,
				'component'         => $button_args['component'],
				'must_be_logged_in' => $button_args['must_be_logged_in'],
				'block_self'        => $button_args['block_self'],
				'parent_element'    => $parent_element,
				'link_href'         => $button_args['link_href'],
				'link_text'         => $button_args['link_text'],
				'parent_attr'       => array(
					'id'    => $button_args['wrapper_id'],
					'class' => $parent_class . ' ' . $button_args['wrapper_class'],
				'button_element'    => 'a',
				'button_attr'       => array(
					'id'    => $button_args['link_id'],
					'class' => $button_args['link_class'],
					'rel'   => $button_args['link_rel'],
					'title' => '',

			if ( ! empty( $button_args['button_attr'] ) ) {
				foreach ( $button_args['button_attr'] as $title => $value ) {
					$buttons['member_switch']['button_attr'][ $title ] = $value;

			// If button element set add nonce link to data attr
			if ( 'button' === $button_element ) {
				$buttons['member_switch']['button_attr']['data-bp-nonce'] = $button_args['link_href'];
			} else {
				$buttons['member_switch']['button_element']      = 'a';
				$buttons['member_switch']['button_attr']['href'] = $button_args['link_href'];

			unset( bp_nouveau()->members->button_args );


		 * Filter to add your buttons, use the position argument to choose where to insert it.
		 * @since BuddyPress 3.0.0
		 * @param array  $buttons The list of buttons.
		 * @param int    $user_id The displayed user ID.
		 * @param string $type    Whether we're displaying a members loop or a user's page
		$buttons_group = apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_members_buttons', $buttons, $user_id, $type );
		if ( ! $buttons_group ) {
			return $buttons;

		// It's the first entry of the loop, so build the Group and sort it
		if ( ! isset( bp_nouveau()->members->member_buttons ) || ! is_a( bp_nouveau()->members->member_buttons, 'BP_Buttons_Group' ) ) {
			$sort = true;
			bp_nouveau()->members->member_buttons = new BP_Buttons_Group( $buttons_group );

		// It's not the first entry, the order is set, we simply need to update the Buttons Group
		} else {
			$sort = false;
			bp_nouveau()->members->member_buttons->update( $buttons_group );

		$return = bp_nouveau()->members->member_buttons->get( $sort );

		if ( ! $return ) {
			return array();

		 * Leave a chance to adjust the $return
		 * @since BuddyPress 3.0.0
		 * @param array  $return  The list of buttons ordered.
		 * @param int    $user_id The displayed user ID.
		 * @param string $type    Whether we're displaying a members loop or a user's page
		do_action_ref_array( 'bp_nouveau_return_members_buttons', array( &$return, $user_id, $type ) );

		return $return;


Version Description
BuddyPress 3.0.0 Introduced.


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