This function has been deprecated. BuddyBoss 1.0.0 instead.


Setup the theme’s features.


Note: BP Legacy’s buddypress-functions.php is not loaded in WP Administration as it’s loaded using bp_locate_template(). That’s why this function is here.


File: bp-core/deprecated/buddyboss/1.0.php

function bp_register_theme_compat_default_features() {
	_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '1.0.0' );
	// global $content_width;

	// // Do not set up default features on deactivation.
	// if ( bp_is_deactivation() ) {
	// 	return;
	// }

	// // If the current theme doesn't need theme compat, bail at this point.
	// if ( ! bp_use_theme_compat_with_current_theme() ) {
	// 	return;
	// }

	// // Make sure BP Legacy is the Theme Compat in use.
	// if ( 'legacy' !== bp_get_theme_compat_id() ) {
	// 	return;
	// }

	// // Get the theme.
	// $current_theme = wp_get_theme();
	// $theme_handle  = $current_theme->get_stylesheet();
	// $parent        = $current_theme->parent();

	// if ( $parent ) {
	// 	$theme_handle = $parent->get_stylesheet();
	// }

	// /**
	//  * Since Companion stylesheets, the $content_width is smaller
	//  * than the width used by BuddyPress, so we need to manually set the
	//  * content width for the concerned themes.
	//  *
	//  * Example: array( stylesheet => content width used by BuddyPress )
	//  */
	// $bp_content_widths = array(
	// 	'twentyfifteen'  => 1300,
	// 	'twentyfourteen' => 955,
	// 	'twentythirteen' => 890,
	// );

	// // Default values.
	// $bp_content_width = (int) $content_width;
	// $bp_handle        = 'bp-legacy-css';

	// // Specific to themes having companion stylesheets.
	// if ( isset( $bp_content_widths[ $theme_handle ] ) ) {
	// 	$bp_content_width = $bp_content_widths[ $theme_handle ];
	// 	$bp_handle        = 'bp-' . $theme_handle;
	// }

	// if ( is_rtl() ) {
	// 	$bp_handle .= '-rtl';
	// }

	// $top_offset    = 150;
	// $avatar_height = apply_filters( 'bp_core_avatar_full_height', $top_offset );

	// if ( $avatar_height > $top_offset ) {
	// 	$top_offset = $avatar_height;
	// }

	// bp_set_theme_compat_feature( 'legacy', array(
	// 	'name'     => 'cover_image',
	// 	'settings' => array(
	// 		'components'   => array( 'xprofile', 'groups' ),
	// 		'width'        => $bp_content_width,
	// 		'height'       => $top_offset + round( $avatar_height / 2 ),
	// 		'callback'     => 'bp_legacy_theme_cover_image',
	// 		'theme_handle' => $bp_handle,
	// 	),
	// ) );


Version Description
BuddyBoss 1.0.0 BuddyBoss 1.0.0
BuddyPress 2.4.0 Introduced.


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