Functions |
Description |
bp_signup_get_subdomain_base() |
Return the base URL for subdomain installations of WordPress Multisite. |
bp_signup_page() |
Output the URL to the signup page. |
bp_signup_slug() |
Output the sign-up slug. |
bp_signup_subdomain_base() |
Output the base URL for subdomain installations of WordPress Multisite. |
bp_signup_username_value() |
Output the username submitted during signup. |
bp_signup_with_blog_value() |
Output the ‘signup_with_blog’ value submitted during signup. |
bp_site_name() |
Output the name of the BP site. Used in RSS headers. |
bp_sitewide_activity_feed_link() |
Output the sitewide activity feed link. |
bp_social_network_search_key() |
Search the key for given value from the social networks provider. |
bp_sort_by_key() |
Sort an array of objects or arrays by a specific key/property. |
bp_start_following() |
Start following a user’s activity. |
bp_stop_following() |
Stop following a user’s activity. |
bp_stop_live_spammer() |
Stop a logged-in user who is marked as a spammer. |
bp_strip_script_and_style_tags() |
Remove script and style tags from a string. |
bp_styles() |
Do the ‘bp_styles’ action, and call wp_print_styles(). |
bp_tags_admin_tags_listing_add_tab() |
Add Navigation tab on top of the page BuddyBoss > Forums > Tags Templates |
bp_template_include() |
Fire ‘bp_template_include’, main filter used for theme compatibility and displaying custom BP theme files. |
bp_template_include_theme_compat() |
Reset main query vars and filter ‘the_content’ to output a BuddyPress template part as needed. |
bp_template_include_theme_supports() |
Possibly intercept the template being loaded. |
bp_template_redirect() |
Fire the ‘bp_template_redirect’ action. |
bp_the_activity() |
Get the current activity object in the loop. |
bp_the_album() |
Get the current album object in the loop. |
bp_the_blog() |
Get the current blog object in the loop. |
bp_the_body_class() |
Customize the body class, according to the currently displayed BP content. |
bp_the_document() |
Get the current document object in the loop. |
bp_the_folder() |
Get the current folder object in the loop. |
bp_the_group() |
Set up the current group inside the loop. |
bp_the_media() |
Get the current media object in the loop. |
bp_the_member() |
Set up the current member inside the loop. |
bp_the_message_star_action_link() |
Output the link or raw URL for starring or unstarring a message. |
bp_the_message_thread_mark_read_url() |
Output the URL used for marking a single message thread as read. |
bp_the_message_thread_mark_unread_url() |
Output the URL used for marking a single message thread as unread. |
bp_the_notification() |
Get the current notification object in the loop. |
bp_the_notification_action_links() |
Output the action links for the current notification. |
bp_the_notification_component_action() |
Output the name of the action associated with the notification currently being iterated on. |
bp_the_notification_component_name() |
Output the name of the component associated with the notification currently being iterated on. |
bp_the_notification_date_notified() |
Output the timestamp of the current notification. |
bp_the_notification_delete_link() |
Output the delete link for the current notification. |
bp_the_notification_delete_url() |
Output the URL used for deleting a single notification. |
bp_the_notification_description() |
Output full-text description for a specific notification. |
bp_the_notification_id() |
Output the ID of the notification currently being iterated on. |
bp_the_notification_item_id() |
Output the associated item ID of the notification currently being iterated on. |
bp_the_notification_mark_link() |
Output the mark link for the current notification. |
bp_the_notification_mark_read_link() |
Output the mark read link for the current notification. |
bp_the_notification_mark_read_url() |
Output the URL used for marking a single notification as read. |
bp_the_notification_mark_unread_link() |
Output the mark unread link for the current notification. |
bp_the_notification_mark_unread_url() |
Output the URL used for marking a single notification as unread. |
bp_the_notification_secondary_item_id() |
Output the secondary associated item ID of the notification currently being iterated on. |
bp_the_notification_time_since() |
Output the timestamp of the current notification. |
bp_the_notifications() |
Get the notifications returned by the template loop. |