Functions |
Description |
bp_get_theme_compat_url() |
Get the URL of the theme package being used. |
bp_get_theme_compat_version() |
Get the version of the theme package being used. |
bp_get_theme_package_id() |
Get the current theme package ID. |
bp_get_thread() |
Initialize the messages template loop for a specific thread and sets thread. |
bp_get_thread_messages_order() |
Get the ‘ASC’ or ‘DESC’ messages order string for this loop. |
bp_get_thread_recipients_count() |
Get the number of recipients in the current thread. |
bp_get_thread_recipients_list() |
Generate HTML links to the profiles of recipients in the current thread. |
bp_get_title_parts() |
Get the title parts of the BuddyPress displayed page |
bp_get_total_blog_count() |
Return the total number of blogs on the site. |
bp_get_total_blog_count_for_user() |
Return the total number of blogs for a given user. |
bp_get_total_count_by_group_types() |
Get group count of group type tabs groups. |
bp_get_total_favorite_count_for_user() |
Return the total favorite count for a specified user. |
bp_get_total_friend_count() |
Return the total friend count for a given user. |
bp_get_total_group_count() |
Return the total number of groups. |
bp_get_total_group_count_for_user() |
Return the total number of groups a user belongs to. |
bp_get_total_media_count() |
Return the total media count in your BP instance. |
bp_get_total_member_count() |
Return the total member count in your BP instance. |
bp_get_total_mention_count_for_user() |
Return the total mention count for a specified user. |
bp_get_total_online_member_count() |
Get total number of members currently online. |
bp_get_total_site_member_count() |
Get the total site member count. |
bp_get_total_unread_messages_count() |
Get the unread messages count for the current inbox. |
bp_get_user_by_nickname() |
Retrieve member info based on nickname. |
bp_get_user_firstname() |
Output the first name of a user. |
bp_get_user_gender_pronoun_type() |
Return “his”, “her” or “their” based on member selected gender, used in activity feeds. |
bp_get_user_group_role_title() |
Get the member’s group role |
bp_get_user_groups() |
Get a list of groups of which the specified user is a member. |
bp_get_user_has_avatar() |
Check if a given user ID has an uploaded avatar. |
bp_get_user_last_activity() |
Get the last activity for a given user. |
bp_get_user_member_type() |
Get profile type. |
bp_get_user_meta() |
Get a piece of usermeta. |
bp_get_user_meta_key() |
Get the meta_key for a given piece of user metadata |
bp_get_user_social_networks_urls() |
Add social networks button to the member header area. |
bp_get_userid_from_mentionname() |
Get a user ID from a “mentionname”, the name used for a user in @-mentions. |
bp_get_users_by_roles() |
Gets a user by their role. |
bp_get_users_of_removed_member_types() |
Get members removed profile type. |
bp_get_version() |
Return the BuddyPress version. |
bp_get_widget_max_count_limit() |
Returns the upper limit on the “max” item count, for widgets that support it. |
bp_get_xprofile_gender_type_field_id() |
Return the gender type xprofile field id. |
bp_get_xprofile_member_type_field_id() |
Return the member type xprofile field id. |
bp_group_accept_invite_link() |
Output the URL for accepting an invitation to the current group in the loop. |
bp_group_activity_feed_link() |
Output the current group activity-stream RSS URL. |
bp_group_admin_form_action() |
Output the ‘action’ attribute for a group admin form. |
bp_group_admin_ids() |
Return a list of user IDs for a group’s admins. |
bp_group_admin_memberlist() |
Since BuddyPress 1.0, this generated the group settings admin/member screen. |
bp_group_admin_permalink() |
Output the permalink for the admin section of the current group in the loop. |
bp_group_admin_tabs() |
HTML admin subnav items for group pages. |
bp_group_admin_tabs_backcompat() |
BackCompat for plugins/themes directly hooking groups_admin_tabs without using the Groups Extension API. |
bp_group_all_members_permalink() |
Output the permalink of the current group’s Members page. |
bp_group_avatar() |
Output the group avatar while in the groups loop. |
bp_group_avatar_delete_link() |
Output displayed group delete avatar url. |