Functions |
Description |
bp_group_avatar_edit_form() | |
bp_group_avatar_mini() |
Output the miniature group avatar thumbnail while in the groups loop. |
bp_group_avatar_thumb() |
Output the group avatar thumbnail while in the groups loop. |
bp_group_backcompat_create_nav_item() |
Checks if a specific theme is still filtering the Groups directory title if so, transform the title button into a Groups directory nav item. |
bp_group_class() |
Output the row class of the current group in the loop. |
bp_group_create_button() |
Output the Create a Group button. |
bp_group_create_nav_item() |
Output the Create a Group nav item. |
bp_group_creation_form_action() |
Output the group creation next step url. |
bp_group_creation_previous_link() |
Escape & output the URL to the previous group creation step |
bp_group_creation_stage_title() |
Output group creation step title. |
bp_group_creation_tabs() |
Output HTML for group creation steps. |
bp_group_creator_avatar() |
Output the avatar of the creator of the current group in the loop. |
bp_group_creator_id() |
Output the user ID of the creator of the current group in the loop. |
bp_group_creator_permalink() |
Output the permalink of the creator of the current group in the loop. |
bp_group_creator_username() |
Output the username of the creator of the current group in the loop. |
bp_group_current_admin_tab() |
Echoes the current group admin tab slug. |
bp_group_current_avatar() |
Outputs the current group avatar. |
bp_group_current_invite_tab() |
Echo the current group invite tab slug. |
bp_group_current_members_tab() |
Outputs the current group members tab slug. |
bp_group_date_created() |
Output the created date of the current group in the loop. |
bp_group_description() |
Output the description for the current group in the loop. |
bp_group_description_editable() |
Output the description for the current group in the loop, for use in a textarea. |
bp_group_description_excerpt() |
Output an excerpt of the group description. |
bp_group_directories_tutorial() |
Link to Group Directories tutorial |
bp_group_directory_page_content() |
Function to add the content on top of group listing |
bp_group_form_action() |
Output the ‘action’ attribute for a group form. |
bp_group_forum_permalink() |
Output the URL of the Forum page of the current group in the loop. |
bp_group_get_activity_feed_status() |
Get the activity feed status of a group. |
bp_group_get_album_status() |
Get the album status of a group. |
bp_group_get_count_by_group_type() |
Get group count of group type tabs groups. |
bp_group_get_document_status() |
Get the media status of a group. |
bp_group_get_group_type_id() |
Gets the post id of particular group type. |
bp_group_get_group_type_key() |
Return group type key. |
bp_group_get_invite_status() |
Get the invite status of a group. |
bp_group_get_media_status() |
Get the media status of a group. |
bp_group_get_message_status() |
Get the message status of a group. |
bp_group_has_invites() |
Whether or not there are invites. |
bp_group_has_members() |
Initialize a group member query loop. |
bp_group_has_membership_requests() |
Initialize a group membership request template loop. |
bp_group_has_moderators() |
Determine whether a group has moderators. |
bp_group_has_requested_membership() |
Determine whether the logged-in user has requested membership to a group. |
bp_group_hidden_fields() |
Output hidden form fields for group. |
bp_group_hierarchies_tutorial() |
Link to Group Hierarchies tutorial |
bp_group_id() |
Output the ID of the current group in the loop. |
bp_group_ids_array_flatten() |
Flatten array. |
bp_group_invite_item_id() |
Output the displayed group invite item id within loop. |
bp_group_invite_pagination_count() |
Output pagination count text for group invitations. |
bp_group_invite_pagination_links() |
Output pagination links for group invitations. |
bp_group_invite_user_avatar() |
Output the displayed group invite member avatar. |
bp_group_invite_user_last_active() |
Output the group invite member’s last active time. |