Functions |
Description |
bp_is_messages_sentbox() |
Is the current page a user’s Messages Sentbox? |
bp_is_multiblog_mode() |
Are we running multiblog mode? |
bp_is_my_groups_view() |
Check if this is a user’s “My Groups” view? This can happen on the main directory or at a user’s profile (/members/username/groups/). |
bp_is_my_profile() |
Is the current page part of the profile of the logged-in user? |
bp_is_network_activated() |
Is BuddyPress active at the network level for this network? |
bp_is_notices() |
Is the current page the Notices screen? |
bp_is_notifications_component() |
Check whether the current page is part of the Notifications component. |
bp_is_page() |
No longer used by BuddyPress core |
bp_is_post_request() |
Return true|false if this is a POST request. |
bp_is_post_type_feed_enable() |
Checks if post type feed is enabled. |
bp_is_profile_albums_support_enabled() |
Checks if media profile albums support is enabled. |
bp_is_profile_component() |
Check whether the current page is part of the Profile component. |
bp_is_profile_document_support_enabled() |
Checks if media forums document support is enabled. |
bp_is_profile_edit() |
Some _is_ function had their names normalized |
bp_is_profile_media_support_enabled() |
Checks if media profile media support is enabled. |
bp_is_profiles_emoji_support_enabled() |
Checks if media emoji support is enabled in profiles. |
bp_is_profiles_gif_support_enabled() |
Checks if media gif support is enabled in profiles. |
bp_is_register_page() |
Is the current page the Register page? |
bp_is_relevant_feed_enabled() |
Check whether relevant feed is enabled. |
bp_is_root_blog() |
Is this the root blog? |
bp_is_root_component() |
Check to see if a component’s URL should be in the root, not under a member page. |
bp_is_search_activity_comments_enable() |
Checks if Activity Comments search is enabled. |
bp_is_search_activity_enable() |
Checks if Activity search is enabled. |
bp_is_search_albums_enable() |
Checks if albums search is enabled. |
bp_is_search_autocomplete_enable() |
Checks if search autocomplete feature is enabled. |
bp_is_search_autotcomplete_enable() |
Checks if search autocomplete feature is enabled. |
bp_is_search_documents_enable() |
Checks if document search is enabled. |
bp_is_search_folders_enable() |
Checks if folder search is enabled. |
bp_is_search_groups_enable() |
Checks if groups search is enabled. |
bp_is_search_members_enable() |
Checks if members search feature is enabled. |
bp_is_search_photos_enable() |
Checks if photos search is enabled. |
bp_is_search_post_type_enable() |
Checks if post type search is enabled. |
bp_is_search_post_type_meta_enable() |
Checks if post type Meta search is enabled. |
bp_is_search_post_type_taxonomy_enable() |
Checks if post type Taxonomy search is enabled. |
bp_is_search_user_field_enable() |
Checks if xprofile field search is enabled. |
bp_is_search_xprofile_enable() |
Checks if xprofile field search is enabled. |
bp_is_settings_component() |
Check whether the current page is part of the Settings component. |
bp_is_single() |
Not currently used by BuddyPress. |
bp_is_single_activity() |
Is the current page a single activity item permalink? |
bp_is_single_album() |
Is the current page a single album item permalink? |
bp_is_single_document() |
Is the current page a single document item permalink? |
bp_is_single_folder() |
Is the current page a single folder item permalink? |
bp_is_single_item() |
Are we looking at a single item? (group, user, etc). |
bp_is_template_included() |
Is a BuddyPress template being included? |
bp_is_theme_compat_active() |
Is the current page using theme compatibility? |
bp_is_theme_compat_original_template() |
Check whether a given template is the one that WP originally selected to display current page. |
bp_is_update() |
Is this a BuddyPress update? |
bp_is_user() |
Is the current page a user page? |
bp_is_user_active() |
Check whether a user is “active”, ie neither deleted nor spammer. |
bp_is_user_activity() |
Is the current page a user’s activity feed page? |