Functions |
Description |
bp_nouveau_object_template_results_media_tabs() |
Object template results media tabs. |
bp_nouveau_object_template_results_members_all_scope() |
Object template results members all scope. |
bp_nouveau_object_template_results_members_following_scope() |
Object template results members following scope. |
bp_nouveau_object_template_results_members_personal_scope() |
Object template results members personal scope. |
bp_nouveau_object_template_results_members_tabs() |
Object template results members tabs. |
bp_nouveau_pagination() |
Pagination for loops |
bp_nouveau_parse_hooked_dir_nav() |
Parse an html output to a list of component’s directory nav item. |
bp_nouveau_parse_hooked_options() |
Run specific “select filter” hooks to catch the options and build an array out of them |
bp_nouveau_plugin_hook() |
Fire plugin hooks in the plugins.php template (Groups and Members single items) |
bp_nouveau_prepare_group_for_js() |
Format a Group for a json reply |
bp_nouveau_prepare_group_potential_invites_for_js() |
Prepare list of group invites for JS. |
bp_nouveau_push_sitewide_notices() |
Add active sitewide notices to the BP template_message global. |
bp_nouveau_remove_edit_activity_entry_buttons() |
We removing the Edit Button on Document/Media Activity popup until we fully support on popup. |
bp_nouveau_sanitize_nav_hide() |
Sanitize a list of slugs to save it as an array |
bp_nouveau_sanitize_nav_order() |
Sanitize a list of slugs to save it as an array |
bp_nouveau_search() |
Launch the search loader class. |
bp_nouveau_search_container_class() |
Output the search form container classes. |
bp_nouveau_search_default_text() |
Output the default search text for the search object |
bp_nouveau_search_enqueue_scripts() |
Enqueue the search scripts |
bp_nouveau_search_form() |
Get the search form template part and fire some do_actions if needed. |
bp_nouveau_search_messages_autocomplete_init_jsblock() |
Output search message autocomplete init JS. |
bp_nouveau_search_object_data_attr() |
Output the search form data-bp attribute. |
bp_nouveau_search_register_scripts() |
Register Scripts for the search component |
bp_nouveau_search_selector_id() |
Output a selector ID. |
bp_nouveau_search_selector_name() |
Output the name attribute of a selector. |
bp_nouveau_send_invite_content_css() |
Set the font in Send Invites TinyMCE editor to Arial |
bp_nouveau_set_nav_item_order() |
Reorder a BuddyPress item nav according to a given list of nav item slugs |
bp_nouveau_signup_form() |
Output the signup form for the requested section |
bp_nouveau_signup_hook() |
Fire specific hooks into the register template |
bp_nouveau_signup_terms_privacy() |
Output a terms of service and privacy policy pages if activated |
bp_nouveau_single_item_nav_classes() |
Output single item nav container classes |
bp_nouveau_single_item_subnav_classes() |
Output single item subnav container classes. |
bp_nouveau_submit_button() |
Output a submit button and the nonce for the requested action. |
bp_nouveau_template_message() |
Displays a template notice/feedback message. |
bp_nouveau_template_message_classes() |
Add classes to style the template notice/feedback message |
bp_nouveau_template_notices() |
Template tag to display feedback notices to users, if there are to display |
bp_nouveau_theme_cover_image() |
BP Nouveau’s callback for the cover photo feature. |
bp_nouveau_unregister_notices_widget() |
Unregister BP_Messages_Sitewide_Notices_Widget. |
bp_nouveau_user_feedback() |
Displays a feedback message to the user. |
bp_nouveau_wp_profile_field() |
Set the current profile field and iterate into the loop. |
bp_nouveau_wp_profile_field_data() |
Output the WP profile field data. |
bp_nouveau_wp_profile_field_id() |
Output the WP profile field ID. |
bp_nouveau_wp_profile_field_label() |
Output the WP profile field label. |
bp_nouveau_wp_profile_fields() |
Check if there are still profile fields to output. |
bp_nouveau_wp_profile_hooks() |
Template tag to wrap all Legacy actions that was used before and after the WP User’s Profile. |
bp_nouveau_wrapper() |
Output HTML content into a wrapper. |
bp_nouveau_xprofile() |
Launch the xProfile loader class. |
bp_nouveau_xprofile_edit_visibilty() |
Template tag to output the field visibility markup in edit and signup screens. |
bp_nouveau_xprofile_enqueue_scripts() |
Enqueue the xprofile scripts |
bp_nouveau_xprofile_hook() |
Fire specific hooks into the single members xprofile templates. |