Hooks |
Description |
bp_get_album_pagination_links |
Filters the album pagination link output. |
bp_get_album_per_page |
Filters the media album posts per page value. |
bp_get_album_privacy |
Filters the album privacy being displayed. |
bp_get_album_title |
Filters the album title being displayed. |
bp_get_album_user_id |
Filters the album ID being displayed. |
bp_get_album_visibility |
Filters the album visibility being displayed. |
bp_get_avatar_admin_step |
Filters the current avatar upload step. |
bp_get_avatar_delete_link |
Filters the link used for deleting an avatar. |
bp_get_avatar_to_crop |
Filters the URL of the avatar to crop. |
bp_get_avatar_to_crop_src |
Filters the relative file path to the avatar to crop. |
bp_get_blog_avatar |
Filters a blog’s avatar. |
bp_get_blog_avatar_{$blog_id} |
In future BuddyPress versions you will be able to set the avatar for a blog. |
bp_get_blog_avatar_{$blogs_template->blog->blog_id} |
In future BuddyPress versions you will be able to set the avatar for a blog. |
bp_get_blog_class |
Filters the row class of the current blog in the loop. |
bp_get_blog_create_button |
Filters the Create a Site button. |
bp_get_blog_create_nav_item |
Filters the Create A Site nav item output. |
bp_get_blog_description |
Filters the description of the current blog in the loop. |
bp_get_blog_id |
Filters the ID of the current blog in the loop. |
bp_get_blog_latest_post |
Filters the HTML markup result for the latest blog post in loop. |
bp_get_blog_latest_post_content |
Filters the content of the latest post on the current blog in the loop. |
bp_get_blog_latest_post_featured_image |
Filters the featured image of the latest post on the current blog in the loop. |
bp_get_blog_latest_post_permalink |
Filters the permalink of the latest post on the current blog in the loop. |
bp_get_blog_latest_post_title |
Filters the title text of the latest post on the current blog in the loop. |
bp_get_blog_name |
Filters the name of the current blog in the loop. |
bp_get_blog_permalink |
Filters the blog permalink. |
bp_get_blogs_directory_permalink |
Filters the blog directory permalink. |
bp_get_blogs_pagination_count |
Filters the “Viewing x-y of z blogs” pagination message. |
bp_get_blogs_pagination_links |
Filters the blogs pagination links. |
bp_get_blogs_root_slug |
Filters the blogs component root slug. |
bp_get_blogs_slug |
Filters the blogs component slug. |
bp_get_blogs_visit_blog_button |
Filters the button for visiting a blog in a loop. |
bp_get_button |
Filters the requested button output. |
bp_get_canonical_url |
Filters the canonical url of the current page. |
bp_get_caps_for_role |
Filters the array of capabilities based on the role that is being requested. |
bp_get_community_caps |
Filters community capabilities. |
bp_get_current_activation_key |
Filters the activation key from the current request URL. |
bp_get_current_blog_roles |
Filters the array of roles from the currently loaded blog. |
bp_get_current_group_admin_tab |
Filters the current group admin tab slug. |
bp_get_current_group_description |
Filters the description of the current group. |
bp_get_current_group_directory_type |
Filters the “current” group type, if one is provided, in group directories. |
bp_get_current_group_id |
Filters the ID of the current group. |
bp_get_current_group_members_tab |
Filters the current group members tab slug. |
bp_get_current_group_name |
Filters the name of the current group. |
bp_get_current_group_slug |
Filters the slug of the current group. |
bp_get_current_group_type_message |
Filters the current group type message. |
bp_get_current_member_type |
Filters the “current” profile type, if one is provided, in member directories. |
bp_get_current_member_type_message |
Filters the current profile type message. |
bp_get_current_profile_group_id |
Filters the current profile group ID. |
bp_get_db_document_privacy |
Filters the document privacy being displayed. |
bp_get_default_options |
Filters the default options to be set upon activation. |