Hooks |
Description |
bp_get_members_pagination_links |
Filters the members pagination link. |
bp_get_members_root_slug |
Filters the Members component root slug. |
bp_get_members_slug |
Filters the Members component slug. |
bp_get_mentioned_user_display_name |
Filters the mentioned user display name. |
bp_get_message_activate_deactivate_link |
Filters the URL for deactivating the current notice. |
bp_get_message_css_class |
Filters the CSS class for the current thread. |
bp_get_message_get_recipient_usernames |
Filters the recipients usernames for prefilling the ‘To’ field on the Compose screen. |
bp_get_message_loading_image_src |
Filters the URL of the Messages AJAX loader gif. |
bp_get_message_notice_delete_link |
Filters the URL for deleting the current notice. |
bp_get_message_notice_id |
Filters the ID of the current notice in the loop. |
bp_get_message_notice_post_date |
Filters the post date of the current notice in the loop. |
bp_get_message_notice_subject |
Filters the subject of the current notice in the loop. |
bp_get_message_notice_text |
Filters the text of the current notice in the loop. |
bp_get_message_thread_avatar |
Filters the avatar for the last sender in the current message thread. |
bp_get_message_thread_content |
Filters the content of the last message in the thread. |
bp_get_message_thread_delete_link |
Filters the URL for deleting the current thread. |
bp_get_message_thread_excerpt |
Filters the excerpt of the current thread in the loop. |
bp_get_message_thread_from |
Filters the link to the page of the current thread’s last author. |
bp_get_message_thread_id |
Filters the ID of the current thread in the loop. |
bp_get_message_thread_last_message_date |
Filters the unformatted date of the last post in the current thread. |
bp_get_message_thread_last_post_date |
Filters the nicely formatted date of the last post in the current thread. |
bp_get_message_thread_subject |
Filters the subject of the current thread in the loop. |
bp_get_message_thread_total_count |
Filters the current thread’s total message count. |
bp_get_message_thread_unread_count |
Filters the current thread’s unread count. |
bp_get_message_thread_view_link |
Filters the permalink of a particular thread. |
bp_get_messages_content_value |
Filters the default value for the content field. |
bp_get_messages_form_action |
Filters the form action for Messages HTML forms. |
bp_get_messages_pagination |
Filters the pagination HTML for the current thread loop. |
bp_get_messages_slug |
Filters the messages component slug. |
bp_get_messages_starred_slug |
Filters the starred message slug. |
bp_get_messages_subject_value |
Filters the default value for the subject field. |
bp_get_messages_username_value |
Filters the default username for the recipient box. |
bp_get_mutual_friendships |
Filters the total mutual connections for a user. |
bp_get_nav_menu_items |
Filters the items registered in the primary and secondary BuddyPress navigation menus. |
bp_get_new_group_avatar |
Filters the new group avatar. |
bp_get_new_group_description |
Filters the new group description. |
bp_get_new_group_enable_forum |
Filters whether or not to enable forums for the new group. |
bp_get_new_group_id |
Filters the new group ID. |
bp_get_new_group_invite_friend_list |
Filters the array of friends who can be invited to a group. |
bp_get_new_group_name |
Filters the new group name. |
bp_get_new_group_status |
Filters the new group status. |
bp_get_notifications_pagination_links |
Filters the pagination links for the current notification loop. |
bp_get_notifications_permalink |
Filters the notifications permalink. |
bp_get_notifications_slug |
Filters the notifications component slug. |
bp_get_notifications_unread_permalink |
Filters the read notifications permalink. |
bp_get_option |
Filters the option value for the requested option. |
bp_get_options_nav_{$subnav_item->css_id} |
Filters the “options nav”, the secondary-level single item navigation menu. |
bp_get_potential_friend_id |
Filters the ID of current user in the friend request loop. |
bp_get_profile_field_data |
Filters the profile field data. |
bp_get_profile_group_name |
Filters the profile group name. |