Hooks |
Description |
bp_get_total_blog_count_for_user |
Filters the total number of blogs for a given user. |
bp_get_total_favorite_count_for_user |
Filters the total favorite count for a user. |
bp_get_total_friend_count |
Filters the total friend count for a given user. |
bp_get_total_group_count |
Filters the total number of groups. |
bp_get_total_group_count_for_user |
Filters the total number of groups a user belongs to. |
bp_get_total_media_count |
Filters the total number of media. |
bp_get_total_member_count |
Filters the total member count in your BP instance. |
bp_get_total_mention_count_for_user |
Filters the total mention count for a user. |
bp_get_total_site_member_count |
Filters the total site member count. |
bp_get_total_unread_messages_count |
Filters the unread messages count for the current inbox. |
bp_get_user_firstname |
Filters the first name of a user. |
bp_get_user_group_role_title |
Filters member’s group role title |
bp_get_user_has_avatar |
Filters whether or not a user has an uploaded avatar. |
bp_get_user_last_activity |
Filters the last activity for a given user. |
bp_get_user_meta_key |
Filters the meta_key for a given piece of user metadata. |
bp_get_widget_max_count_limit |
Filters the upper limit on the “max” item count, for widgets that support it. |
bp_gravatar_url |
Filters the base Gravatar url used for signup avatars when no avatar dir found. |
bp_group_activity_syndication_options |
Fires inside the syndication options list, after the RSS option. |
bp_group_admin_after_edit_screen_save |
Add action that fire before user redirect |
bp_group_admin_edit_after |
Fires before redirect so plugins can do something first on save action. |
bp_group_admin_edit_redirect |
Filters the URL to redirect to after successfully editing a group. |
bp_group_admin_form_action |
Filters the ‘action’ attribute for a group admin form. |
bp_group_admin_ids |
Filters a list of user IDs for a group’s admins. |
bp_group_creation_stage_title |
Filters the group creation stage title. |
bp_group_extension_edit_screen_save_redirect |
Filters the URL to redirect to after group edit screen save. |
bp_group_form_action |
Filters the ‘action’ attribute for a group form. |
bp_group_get_activity_feed_status |
Filters the invite status of a group. |
bp_group_get_album_status |
Filters the album status of a group. |
bp_group_get_document_status |
Filters the album status of a group. |
bp_group_get_invite_status |
Filters the invite status of a group. |
bp_group_get_media_status |
Filters the album status of a group. |
bp_group_get_message_status |
Filters the message status of a group. |
bp_group_gravatar_default |
Filters the default group Gravatar. |
bp_group_has_invites |
Filters whether or not a group invites query has invites to display. |
bp_group_has_members |
Filters whether or not a group member query has members to display. |
bp_group_has_membership_requests |
Filters whether or not a group membership query has requests to display. |
bp_group_has_moderators |
Filters whether a group has moderators. |
bp_group_header_actions |
Fires in the group header actions section. |
bp_group_header_meta |
Fires after inside the group header item meta section. |
bp_group_invites_item_action |
Fires inside the member group item action markup. |
bp_group_is_invited |
Filters whether current user has an outstanding invite to current group in loop. |
bp_group_is_member |
Filters whether current user is member of a group. |
bp_group_is_user_banned |
Filters whether current user has been banned from current group in loop. |
bp_group_layout_default_format |
Filters group layout format. |
bp_group_leave_confirm_link |
Filters the URL for confirming a request to leave a group. |
bp_group_manage_members_admin_item |
Fires inside the display of a member admin item in group management area. |
bp_group_member_css_class |
Filters the class to add to the HTML if member is banned. |
bp_group_member_query_group_member_ids |
Filters the member IDs for the current group member query. |
bp_group_members_count_user_join_filter |
Filters the SQL prepared statement used to fetch group members total count. |
bp_group_members_user_join_filter |
Filters the SQL prepared statement used to fetch group members. |