Hooks |
Description |
bp_messages_recipients |
Filters the results of trimming of `@` characters from usernames for who is set to receive a message. |
bp_messages_screen_star |
Fires right before the loading of the “Starred” messages box. |
bp_messages_sent_notification_email |
Fires after the sending of a new message email notification. |
bp_messages_thread_after_delete |
Fires before an entire message thread is deleted. |
bp_messages_thread_before_delete |
Fires before an entire message thread is deleted. |
bp_messages_thread_before_mark_delete |
Fires before a message thread is marked as deleted. |
bp_messages_thread_current_threads |
Filters the results of the query for a user’s message threads. |
bp_messages_thread_get_recipients |
Filters the recipients of a message thread. |
bp_messages_thread_messages_after_update |
Fires after user messages content update. |
bp_messages_thread_messages_before_update |
Fires before user messages content update. |
bp_messages_thread_post_populate |
Fires after a BP_Messages_Thread object has been populated. |
bp_modify_document_title_parts |
Filters BuddyPress title parts that will be used into the document title. |
bp_modify_page_title |
Filters the older ‘wp_title’ page title for BuddyPress pages. |
bp_nav_item_has_subnav |
Filters whether or not a given nav item has subnav items. |
bp_nav_menu |
Filters the final BuddyPress menu output. |
bp_nav_menu_args |
Filters the parsed bp_nav_menu arguments. |
bp_nav_menu_css_class |
Filters the classes to be added to the nav menu markup. |
bp_nav_menu_item_id |
Filters the value to be used for the nav menu ID attribute. |
bp_nav_menu_items |
Filters the BuddyPress menu items. |
bp_nav_menu_objects |
Filters the BuddyPress menu objects. |
bp_network_tool_box |
Fires inside the markup used to display the Available Tools page. |
bp_new_install_default_components |
Filters the default components to activate for a new install. |
bp_new_site |
Fires the activation routine for a new site created in a multisite installation. |
bp_new_user_email_content |
Filter the email text sent when a user changes emails. |
bp_notification_after_save |
Fires after the current notification item gets saved. |
bp_notification_before_delete |
Fires before the deletion of a notification item. |
bp_notification_before_save |
Fires before the current notification item gets saved. |
bp_notification_before_update |
Fires before the update of a notification item. |
bp_notification_settings |
Fires at the top of the member template notification settings form. |
bp_notifications_get_all_notifications_for_user |
Filters all notifications for a user. |
bp_notifications_get_meta |
Filters the metadata for a specified notification item. |
bp_notifications_get_notifications_for_user |
This filters is documented in bp-notifications/bp-notifications-functions.php |
bp_notifications_get_registered_components |
Filters active components with registered notifications callbacks. |
bp_notifications_get_total_notification_count |
Filters the count of unread notification items for a user. |
bp_notifications_get_where_conditions |
Filters the MySQL WHERE conditions for the Notifications items get method. |
bp_notifications_pagination_count |
Filters the pagination count for the current notification loop. |
bp_notifications_screen_read |
Fires right before the loading of the notifications read screen template file. |
bp_notifications_screen_unread |
Fires right before the loading of the notifications unread screen template file. |
bp_notifications_template_read |
Filters the template to load for the notifications read screen. |
bp_notifications_template_unread |
Filters the template to load for the notifications unread screen. |
bp_nouveau_activity_buttons |
Filters the included, specific, Action buttons. |
bp_nouveau_activity_is_edited |
If there was an activity of the user before one af another user as we’re updating buttons, we need to unset the delete link |
bp_nouveau_activity_objects |
Filters the activity objects to apply for localized javascript data. |
bp_nouveau_activity_scope_newest_class |
Filters the classes to be applied to the newest activity item. |
bp_nouveau_activity_widget_query |
Filter to edit the activity widget arguments. |
bp_nouveau_ajax_groups_get_group_members_listing_per_page |
When inside the group or in the loggedin user’s group memberships screen we need to reload the page. |
bp_nouveau_ajax_joinleave_group |
Filters change the success/fail message. |
bp_nouveau_ajax_object_template_loader |
Filters the browser URL for the template loader. |
bp_nouveau_ajax_post_update_is_private |
Filters whether or not an AJAX post update is private. |
bp_nouveau_ajax_querystring |
Filters the AJAX query string for the component loops. |