Hooks |
Description |
friends_friendship_withdrawn |
Fires after a connection request has been withdrawn. |
friends_get_alphabetically |
Filters a user’s friends listed in alphabetical order. |
friends_get_newest |
Filters a user’s friends listed from newest to oldest. |
friends_get_recently_active |
Filters a user’s most recently active friends. |
friends_get_total_friend_count |
Filters the total friend count for a given user. |
friends_notification_accepted_request_message |
Filters the message for the connection request accepted email. |
friends_notification_accepted_request_subject |
Filters the subject for the connection request accepted email. |
friends_notification_accepted_request_to |
Filters the email address for whose friend request got accepted. |
friends_notification_new_request_message |
Filters the message for the friend request email. |
friends_notification_new_request_subject |
Filters the subject for the friend request email. |
friends_notification_new_request_to |
Filters the email address for who is getting the friend request. |
friends_register_activity_actions |
Fires after all default bp-friends activity actions have been registered. |
friends_remove_data |
Fires after deletion of friend-related data for a given user. |
friends_screen_mutual_friends |
Fires before the loading of template for the Mutual Connections page. |
friends_screen_my_friends |
Fires before the loading of template for the My Connections page. |
friends_screen_notification_settings |
Fires after the last table row on the friends notification screen. |
friends_screen_requests |
Fires before the loading of template for the friends requests page. |
friends_template_mutual_friends |
Filters the template used to display the Mutual Connections page. |
friends_template_my_friends |
Filters the template used to display the My Connections page. |
friends_template_requests |
Filters the template used to display the My Connections page. |
get_template_part_{$slug} |
Let plugins adding an action to bp_get_template_part get it from here. |
gopp_editor_set_page |
Filters the default PDF preview page setting. |
gopp_editor_set_resolution |
Filters the default PDF preview resolution setting. |
gopp_image_gs_cmd_path |
Returning a valid path will short-circuit determining the path of the Ghostscript executable. |
group_default_tab_options_list |
Globalize the arguments so that we can use it in bp_nouveau_get_groups_buttons(). |
group_invitation_loop_end |
Fires right before the rewinding of invites list. |
group_invitation_loop_start |
Fires if the current invite item is the first in the loop. |
group_loop_end |
Fires right before the rewinding of groups list. |
group_loop_start |
Fires if the current group item is the first in the loop. |
group_members_loop_end |
Fires right before the rewinding of members list. |
group_members_loop_start |
Fires if the current member item is the first in the members list. |
group_messages_notification_new_message |
Fires after the sending of a new group message email notification. |
group_request_loop_end |
Fires right before the rewinding of group membership requests list. |
group_request_loop_start |
Fires if the current group membership request item is the first in the loop. |
groups_{$action}_member |
Fires before the promotion of a user to a new status. |
groups_{$after_action[$action]}_member |
Fires after a group member has been updated. |
groups_accept_all_pending_membership_requests |
Fires after the acceptance of all pending membership requests to a group. |
groups_accept_invite |
Fires after a user has accepted a group invite. |
groups_action_sort_creation_steps |
Fires after group creation sets have been sorted. |
groups_activity_created_group_action |
Filters the ‘created_group’ activity actions. |
groups_activity_membership_accepted_action |
Filters the ‘membership_accepted’ activity actions. |
groups_activity_new_update_action |
Filters the action for the new group activity update. |
groups_activity_new_update_content |
Filters the content for the new group activity update. |
groups_allowed_activity_feed_status |
Filters the allowed activity feed status values for the group. |
groups_allowed_album_status |
Filters the allowed album status values for the group. |
groups_allowed_document_status |
Filters the allowed media status values for the group. |
groups_allowed_group_message_status |
Filters the allowed album status values for the group. |
groups_allowed_invite_status |
Filters the allowed invite status values for the group. |
groups_allowed_media_status |
Filters the allowed media status values for the group. |
groups_allowed_status |
Filters the allowed status values for the group. |