Methods |
Description |
BP_Admin_Tab::add_input_field() |
Alias to add input text box field |
BP_Admin_Tab::add_section() |
Add a wp setting section into current tab. Chainable |
BP_Admin_Tab::add_select_field() |
Alias to add input select field |
BP_Admin_Tab::bp_custom_do_settings_fields() |
Print out the settings fields for a particular settings section |
BP_Admin_Tab::bp_custom_do_settings_sections() |
Prints out all settings sections added to a particular settings page |
BP_Admin_Tab::form_html() |
Output the form html on the setting page (not including tab and page title) |
BP_Admin_Tab::get_active_tab() |
Method that should return the current active tab |
BP_Admin_Tab::get_input_id() | |
BP_Admin_Tab::get_input_name() | |
BP_Admin_Tab::get_input_value() | |
BP_Admin_Tab::has_fields() |
Return if this tab has setting fields |
BP_Admin_Tab::initialize() |
Cutom class initialization |
BP_Admin_Tab::is_active() |
Determine whether this tab is active |
BP_Admin_Tab::is_saving() |
Determine whether current request is saving on the current tab |
BP_Admin_Tab::is_tab_visible() |
Return if the tab should be visible. Default to if there’s any setting fields |
BP_Admin_Tab::maybe_save_admin_settings() |
Save the fields if it’s form post request |
BP_Admin_Tab::register_admin_script() | |
BP_Admin_Tab::register_fields() |
Register setting fields belong to this group |
BP_Admin_Tab::register_hook() | |
BP_Admin_Tab::register_tab() |
Register the tab to global variable |
BP_Admin_Tab::render_checkbox_field_html() |
Output the checkbox field html based on the arguments |
BP_Admin_Tab::render_input_description() | |
BP_Admin_Tab::render_input_field_html() |
Output the input field html based on the arguments |
BP_Admin_Tab::render_select_field_html() |
Output the select field html based on the arguments |
BP_Admin_Tab::settings_save() |
Method to save the fields |
BP_Admin_Tab::settings_saved() |
Method trigger after data are saved |
BP_Admin::__construct() |
The main BuddyPress admin loader. |
BP_Admin::about_appboss_screen() |
Output the Hello AppBoss template. |
BP_Admin::about_buddyboss_app_screen() |
Output the Hello BuddyBoss App template. |
BP_Admin::about_buddyboss_screen() |
Output the Hello BuddyBoss template. |
BP_Admin::adjust_buddyboss_menus() | |
BP_Admin::admin_head() |
Add some general styling to the admin area. |
BP_Admin::admin_menus() |
Register site- or network-admin nav menu elements. |
BP_Admin::admin_menus_components() |
Register main settings menu elements. |
BP_Admin::admin_register_scripts() |
Register JS commonly used by BuddyPress wp-admin screens. |
BP_Admin::admin_register_styles() |
Register styles commonly used by BuddyPress wp-admin screens. |
BP_Admin::bp_add_main_menu_page_admin_menu() |
Register network-admin nav menu elements. |
BP_Admin::bp_credits_screen() |
Output the credits screen. |
BP_Admin::bp_emails_add_sub_menu_page_admin_menu() | |
BP_Admin::buddyboss_menu_order() |
Add the separator above the BuddyBoss menu in admin. |
BP_Admin::buddyboss_plugins_menu_order() |
Add the separator above the plugins menu in admin. |
BP_Admin::deregister_wp_job_manager_shared_assets() |
DeRegisters jquery-ui-style from the WP Job Manager plugin in WP admin /wp-admin/admin.php?page=bp-profile-setup page. |
BP_Admin::display_version() |
Return a user-friendly version-number string, for use in translations. |
BP_Admin::document_extension_mime_type_check_screen() | |
BP_Admin::emails_admin_menu_order() |
Add Emails menu item to custom menus array. |
BP_Admin::emails_display_situation_column_data() |
Output column data for our custom ‘Situations’ column. |
BP_Admin::emails_register_situation_column() |
Registers ‘Situations’ column on Emails dashboard page. |
BP_Admin::enqueue_scripts() |
Add some general styling to the admin area. |
BP_Admin::includes() |
Include required files. |
BP_Admin::is_new_install() |
Return true/false based on whether a query argument is set. |