Methods |
Description |
BP_Admin::modify_plugin_action_links() |
Add Settings link to plugins area. |
BP_Admin::register_admin_integrations() |
Register the integrations. |
BP_Admin::register_admin_settings() |
Register the settings. |
BP_Admin::setup_actions() |
Set up the admin hooks, actions, and filters. |
BP_Admin::setup_globals() |
Set admin-related globals. |
BP_Admin::site_admin_menus() |
Register site-admin nav menu elements. |
BP_Akismet::__construct() |
Constructor. |
BP_Akismet::add_activity_comment_spam_button() |
Adds a “mark as spam” button to each activity COMMENT item for site admins. |
BP_Akismet::add_activity_spam_button() |
Adds a “mark as spam” button to each activity item for site admins. |
BP_Akismet::add_activity_stream_nonce() |
Generate nonces for activity forms. |
BP_Akismet::add_history_metabox() |
Adds a “History” meta box to the activity edit screen. |
BP_Akismet::buddypress_ua() |
Filters user agent when sending to Akismet to add BuddyPress info. |
BP_Akismet::build_akismet_data_package() |
Build a data package for the Akismet service to inspect. |
BP_Akismet::check_activity() |
Check if the activity item is spam or ham. |
BP_Akismet::check_member_activity_update() |
Clean up the bp_latest_update usermeta in case of spamming. |
BP_Akismet::comment_row_action() |
Add a history item to the hover links in an activity’s row. |
BP_Akismet::get_activity_history() |
Get an activity item’s Akismet history. |
BP_Akismet::get_activity_types() |
Get a filterable list of activity types that Akismet should automatically check for spam. |
BP_Akismet::history_metabox() |
History meta box for the Activity admin edit screen. |
BP_Akismet::mark_as_ham() |
Mark activity item as ham. |
BP_Akismet::mark_as_spam() |
Mark activity item as spam. |
BP_Akismet::send_akismet_request() |
Contact Akismet to check if this is spam or ham. |
BP_Akismet::setup_actions() |
Hook Akismet into the activity feed. |
BP_Akismet::update_activity_akismet_meta() |
Update activity meta after an automatic spam check (not user-initiated). |
BP_Akismet::update_activity_ham_meta() |
Update activity meta after a manual ham change (user-initiated). |
BP_Akismet::update_activity_history() |
Update an activity item’s Akismet history. |
BP_Akismet::update_activity_spam_meta() |
Update activity meta after a manual spam change (user-initiated). |
BP_App_Admin_Integration_Tab::form_html() | |
BP_App_Admin_Integration_Tab::initialize() | |
BP_App_Integration::__construct() | |
BP_App_Integration::setup_admin_integration_tab() |
Register admin setting tab, only if BuddyBoss App plugin is disabled |
BP_Appboss_Admin_Integration_Tab::form_html() | |
BP_Appboss_Admin_Integration_Tab::initialize() | |
BP_Appboss_Integration::__construct() | |
BP_Appboss_Integration::setup_admin_integration_tab() |
Register admin setting tab, only if AppBoss plugin is disabled |
BP_Attachment_Avatar::__construct() |
Construct Upload parameters. |
BP_Attachment_Avatar::crop() |
Crop the avatar. |
BP_Attachment_Avatar::get_avatar_types() |
Gets the available avatar types. |
BP_Attachment_Avatar::get_group_id() |
Get the group id to set its avatar. |
BP_Attachment_Avatar::get_user_id() |
Get the user id to set its avatar. |
BP_Attachment_Avatar::is_too_small() |
Check if the image dimensions are smaller than full avatar dimensions. |
BP_Attachment_Avatar::script_data() |
Build script datas for the Uploader UI. |
BP_Attachment_Avatar::set_upload_dir() |
Set Upload Dir data for avatars. |
BP_Attachment_Avatar::shrink() |
Maybe shrink the attachment to fit maximum allowed width. |
BP_Attachment_Avatar::validate_upload() |
Avatar specific rules. |
BP_Attachment_Cover_Image::__construct() |
The constuctor. |
BP_Attachment_Cover_Image::fit() |
Adjust the cover photo to fit with advised width & height. |
BP_Attachment_Cover_Image::generate_filename() |
Generate a filename for the cover photo. |
BP_Attachment_Cover_Image::get_cover_image_types() |
Gets the available cover photo types. |
BP_Attachment_Cover_Image::script_data() |
Build script datas for the Uploader UI. |