Methods |
Description |
BP_Export::process_export_callback() |
Process export callback. |
BP_Export::register_eraser() |
Register delete callback. |
BP_Export::register_exporter() |
Register exporter callback. |
BP_Export::response() |
Export data response. |
BP_Export::response_erase() |
Delete data response. |
BP_Export::setup() | |
BP_Forums_Component::__construct() |
Start the forums component creation process |
BP_Forums_Component::fully_loaded() |
Allow the variables, actions, and filters to be modified by third party plugins and themes. |
BP_Forums_Component::includes() |
Include BuddyBoss classes and functions |
BP_Forums_Component::rest_api_init() |
Init the BuddyBoss REST API. |
BP_Forums_Component::setup_actions() |
Setup the actions |
BP_Forums_Component::setup_admin_bar() |
Set up the admin bar |
BP_Forums_Component::setup_components() |
Instantiate classes for BuddyBoss integration |
BP_Forums_Component::setup_globals() |
Setup globals |
BP_Forums_Component::setup_nav() |
Setup BuddyBar navigation |
BP_Forums_Component::setup_title() |
Sets up the title for pages and |
BP_Friends_Component::__construct() |
Start the friends component creation process. |
BP_Friends_Component::includes() |
Include bp-friends files. |
BP_Friends_Component::late_includes() |
Late includes method. |
BP_Friends_Component::rest_api_init() |
Init the BuddyBoss REST API. |
BP_Friends_Component::setup_admin_bar() |
Set up bp-friends integration with the WordPress admin bar. |
BP_Friends_Component::setup_cache_groups() |
Setup cache groups. |
BP_Friends_Component::setup_globals() |
Set up bp-friends global settings. |
BP_Friends_Component::setup_nav() |
Set up component navigation. |
BP_Friends_Component::setup_title() |
Set up the title for pages and |
BP_Friends_Friendship::__construct() |
Constructor method. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::accept() |
Mark a friendship as accepted. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::check_is_friend() |
Check friendship status between two users. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::delete() |
Delete the current friendship from the database. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::delete_all_for_user() |
Delete all friendships and friend notifications related to a user. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::get_bulk_last_active() |
Get the last active date of many users at once. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::get_friend_user_ids() |
Get the IDs of a given user’s friends. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::get_friendship_id() |
Get the ID of the friendship object, if any, between a pair of users. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::get_friendship_ids_for_user() |
Get all friendship IDs for a user. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::get_friendship_request_user_ids() |
Get a list of IDs of users who have requested friendship of a given user. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::get_friendships() |
Get the friendships for a given user. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::get_friendships_by_id() |
Get friendship objects by ID (or an array of IDs). |
BP_Friends_Friendship::get_invitable_friend_count() |
Get a count of a user’s friends who can be invited to a given group. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::get_random_friends() |
Get a list of random friend IDs. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::get_user_ids_for_friendship() |
Get the friend user IDs for a given friendship. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::populate() |
Set up data about the current friendship. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::reject() |
Remove a connection or a connection request MADE OF the logged-in user. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::save() |
Save the current friendship to the database. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::search_friends() |
Search the friends of a user by a search string. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::search_users() |
Search users. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::search_users_count() |
Get a count of users who match a search term. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::sort_by_name() |
Sort a list of user IDs by their display names. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::total_friend_count() |
Get a total friend count for a given user. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::update_bp_friends_cache() |
Find uncached friendships between a user and one or more other users and cache them. |
BP_Friends_Friendship::withdraw() |
Remove a connection or a connection request INITIATED BY the logged-in user. |