Methods |
Description |
BP_Media_Privacy::get_visibility_options() |
get options for visibility |
BP_Media_Privacy::instance() |
Get the instance of this class. |
BP_Media_Privacy::is_media_visible() |
Check if media is visible or not to the logged in user |
BP_Media_Query::__construct() |
Constructor. |
BP_Media_Query::get_sql() |
Generates WHERE SQL clause to be appended to a main query. |
BP_Media_Query::get_sql_for_clause() |
Generate WHERE clauses for a first-order clause. |
BP_Media_Query::is_first_order_clause() |
Determine whether a clause is first-order. |
BP_Media_Query::validate_column() |
Validates a column name parameter. |
BP_Media_Rotation::__construct() |
Constructor method. |
BP_Media_Rotation::attachment_uploaded() |
Attachment uploaded and fix rotation |
BP_Media_Rotation::fix_rotation() |
Fix rotation of mobile uploaded images |
BP_Media_Rotation::flip_image() |
Flips the image |
BP_Media_Rotation::init() | |
BP_Media_Rotation::rotation_shutdown_fallback() |
Attempt to capture a failed image rotation due to memory exhaustion |
BP_Media_Template::__construct() |
Constructor method. |
BP_Media_Template::has_media() |
Whether there are media items available in the loop. |
BP_Media_Template::next_media() |
Set up the next media item and iterate index. |
BP_Media_Template::rewind_medias() |
Rewind the posts and reset post index. |
BP_Media_Template::the_media() |
Set up the current media item inside the loop. |
BP_Media_Template::user_medias() |
Whether there are media items left in the loop to iterate over. |
BP_Media_Theme_Compat::__construct() |
Set up the media component theme compatibility. |
BP_Media_Theme_Compat::directory_content() |
Filter the_content with the groups index template part. |
BP_Media_Theme_Compat::directory_dummy_post() |
Update the global $post with directory data. |
BP_Media_Theme_Compat::directory_template_hierarchy() |
Add template hierarchy to theme compat for the media directory page. |
BP_Media_Theme_Compat::is_media() |
Set up the theme compatibility hooks, if we’re looking at an media page. |
BP_Media_Theme_Compat::single_dummy_content() |
Filter the_content with the members’ media permalink template part. |
BP_Media_Theme_Compat::single_dummy_post() |
Update the global $post with the displayed user’s data. |
BP_Media_Theme_Compat::single_template_hierarchy() |
Add custom template hierarchy to theme compat for media permalink pages. |
BP_Media::__construct() |
Constructor method. |
BP_Media::append_user_fullnames() |
Append xProfile fullnames to an media array. |
BP_Media::delete() |
Delete media items from the database. |
BP_Media::get() |
Get media items, as specified by parameters. |
BP_Media::get_activity_attachment_id() |
Get media attachment id for the activity. |
BP_Media::get_activity_media_id() |
Get media id for the activity. |
BP_Media::get_album_media_ids() |
Get all media ids for the album |
BP_Media::get_in_operator_sql() |
Create SQL IN clause for filter queries. |
BP_Media::get_media_data() |
Convert media IDs to media objects, as expected in template loop. |
BP_Media::get_scope_query_sql() |
Get the SQL for the ‘scope’ param in BP_Media::get(). |
BP_Media::populate() |
Populate the object with data about the specific media item. |
BP_Media::prefetch_object_data() |
Pre-fetch data for objects associated with media items. |
BP_Media::save() |
Save the media item to the database. |
BP_Media::total_group_media_count() |
Count total media for the given group |
BP_Media::total_media_count() |
Count total media for the given user |
BP_Media::total_user_group_media_count() |
Count total groups media for the given user. |
BP_Members_Admin::__construct() |
Constructor method. |
BP_Members_Admin::add_edit_profile_url_filter() |
Add a filter to edit profile url in WP Admin Bar. |
BP_Members_Admin::admin_head() |
Remove the Edit Profile page. |
BP_Members_Admin::admin_menus() |
Create the All Users / Profile > Edit Profile and All Users Signups submenus. |
BP_Members_Admin::bp_group_layout_update_option() |
Set Cookie to reset the previous layout stored in browser storage. |
BP_Members_Admin::bp_profile_layout_update_option() |
Set Cookie to reset the previous layout stored in browser storage. |