Methods |
Description |
BP_XProfile_Query::is_first_order_clause() |
Determine whether a query clause is first-order. |
BP_XProfile_Query::sanitize_query() |
Ensure the `xprofile_query` argument passed to the class constructor is well-formed. |
BP_XProfile_User_Admin::__construct() |
Constructor method. |
BP_XProfile_User_Admin::enqueue_scripts() |
Enqueue needed scripts. |
BP_XProfile_User_Admin::register_metaboxes() |
Register the xProfile metabox on Community Profile admin page. |
BP_XProfile_User_Admin::register_xprofile_user_admin() |
Setup xProfile User Admin. |
BP_XProfile_User_Admin::setup_actions() |
Set admin-related actions and filters. |
BP_XProfile_User_Admin::user_admin_avatar_metabox() |
Render the Avatar metabox to moderate inappropriate images. |
BP_XProfile_User_Admin::user_admin_load() |
Save the profile fields in Members community profile page. |
BP_XProfile_User_Admin::user_admin_profile_metaboxes() |
Render the xprofile metabox for Community Profile screen. |
BP_XProfile_User_Admin::user_admin_spammer_metabox() |
Render the fallback metabox in case a user has been marked as a spammer. |
BpGroupCourses::__construct() |
Constructor |
BpGroupCourses::display() |
Display the tab content based on the selected sub tab |
BpGroupCourses::loadSubMenuTemplate() |
Display the tab sub menu before the tab content |
BpGroupCourses::prepareComponentOptions() |
Arguments to pass into the buddypress group extension class |
BpGroupCourses::settings_screen() |
Displays the settings for all views |
BpGroupCourses::settings_screen_save() |
Saving the settings for all views |
BpGroupCourses::showTabOnCreate() |
Should tha tab be shown on the group create screen |
BpGroupCourses::showTabOnView() |
Determine who can see the tab |
BpGroupCourses::tabLabel() |
Return the tab label with proper nonce |
BpGroupReports::__construct() |
Constructor |
BpGroupReports::display() |
Display the tab content based on the selected sub tab |
BpGroupReports::loadSubMenuTemplate() |
Display the tab sub menu before the tab content |
BpGroupReports::prepareComponentOptions() |
Arguments to pass into the buddypress group extension class |
BpGroupReports::showTabOnView() |
Determine who can see the tab |
BuddyPress::__call() |
Magic method to prevent notices and errors from invalid method calls. |
BuddyPress::__clone() |
A dummy magic method to prevent BuddyPress from being cloned. |
BuddyPress::__construct() |
A dummy constructor to prevent BuddyPress from being loaded more than once. |
BuddyPress::__get() |
Magic method for getting BuddyPress variables. |
BuddyPress::__isset() |
Magic method for checking the existence of a certain custom field. |
BuddyPress::__set() |
Magic method for setting BuddyPress variables. |
BuddyPress::__unset() |
Magic method for unsetting BuddyPress variables. |
BuddyPress::__wakeup() |
A dummy magic method to prevent BuddyPress from being unserialized. |
BuddyPress::autoload() |
Autoload classes. |
BuddyPress::constants() |
Bootstrap constants. |
BuddyPress::includes() |
Include required files. |
BuddyPress::instance() |
Main BuddyPress Instance. |
BuddyPress::legacy_constants() |
Legacy BuddyPress constants. |
BuddyPress::register_theme_packages() |
Register bundled theme packages. |
BuddyPress::setup_actions() |
Set up the default hooks and actions. |
BuddyPress::setup_globals() |
Component global variables. |
BuddyPress::setup_theme() |
Set up the default BuddyPress theme compatibility location. |
BuddyPress::versions() |
Private method to align the active and database versions. |
Core::__construct() |
Constructor |
Core::__construct() |
Constructor |
Core::__construct() |
Constructor |
Core::adminbar_nav_link() |
Add Menu and Sub menu navigation link for admin menu |
Core::bp_course_resume() | |
Core::bp_get_course_members() | |
Core::bp_get_courses_progress() |