WebsiteParser::__construct() |
WebsiteParser::__destruct() |
WebsiteParser::_isCurl() |
WebsiteParser::findLinkTitle() |
WebsiteParser::getContent() |
A public function to grab and return content
WebsiteParser::getHrefLinks() |
Extract all href links from grab contents
WebsiteParser::getImageSources() |
Extract all images sources from grabbed contents
WebsiteParser::getLinkType() |
WebsiteParser::getMetaTags() |
Extract all metatags sources from grabbed contents
WebsiteParser::getTitle() |
Extract title from grabbed contents
WebsiteParser::grabContent() |
A private method grabs website content using cUrl And put content it into a class variable Can be replace by file_get_contents() but it’s very slow, cpu intensive and does not handle redirects, caching, cookies, etc.
WebsiteParser::sanitizeUrl() |
WebsiteParser::setLinksType() |
Set link type to extract from grabbed contents
WebsiteParser::setUrls() |
Prepare base and full url from given website link to grab
WebsiteParser::truncateText() |
Truncate text in to preferred length
WP_Async_Request::__construct() |
Initiate new async request
WP_Async_Request::data() |
Set data used during the request
WP_Async_Request::dispatch() |
Dispatch the async request
WP_Async_Request::get_post_args() |
WP_Async_Request::get_query_args() |
WP_Async_Request::get_query_url() |
WP_Async_Request::handle() |
WP_Async_Request::maybe_handle() |
WP_Background_Process::__construct() |
Initiate new background process
WP_Background_Process::cancel_process() |
WP_Background_Process::clear_scheduled_event() |
WP_Background_Process::complete() |
WP_Background_Process::delete() |
WP_Background_Process::dispatch() |
WP_Background_Process::generate_key() |
WP_Background_Process::get_batch() |
WP_Background_Process::get_memory_limit() |
WP_Background_Process::handle() |
WP_Background_Process::handle_cron_healthcheck() |
WP_Background_Process::is_process_running() |
WP_Background_Process::is_queue_empty() |
WP_Background_Process::lock_process() |
WP_Background_Process::maybe_handle() |
WP_Background_Process::memory_exceeded() |
WP_Background_Process::push_to_queue() |
WP_Background_Process::save() |
WP_Background_Process::schedule_cron_healthcheck() |
Schedule cron healthcheck
WP_Background_Process::schedule_event() |
WP_Background_Process::task() |
WP_Background_Process::time_exceeded() |
WP_Background_Process::unlock_process() |
WP_Background_Process::update() |
XenForo::__construct() |
XenForo::authenticate_pass() |
This method is to take the pass out of the database and compare to a pass the user has typed in.
XenForo::callback_forum_status() |
Translate the forum status from XenForo numeric’s to WordPress’s strings.