Methods |
Description |
BBP_Shortcodes::__construct() |
Add the register_shortcodes action to bbp_init |
BBP_Shortcodes::add_shortcodes() |
Register the Forums shortcodes |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_breadcrumb() |
Display a breadcrumb |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_forum() |
Display the contents of a specific forum ID in an output buffer and return to ensure that post/page contents are displayed first. |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_forum_form() |
Display the forum form in an output buffer and return to ensure post/page contents are displayed first. |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_forum_index() |
Display an index of all visible root level forums in an output buffer and return to ensure that post/page contents are displayed first. |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_login() |
Display a login form |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_lost_pass() |
Display a lost password form |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_register() |
Display a register form |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_reply() |
Display the contents of a specific reply ID in an output buffer and return to ensure that post/page contents are displayed first. |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_reply_form() |
Display the reply form in an output buffer and return to ensure post/page contents are displayed first. |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_search() |
Display the contents of search results in an output buffer and return to ensure that post/page contents are displayed first. |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_search_form() |
Display the search form in an output buffer and return to ensure post/page contents are displayed first. |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_stats() |
Display forum statistics |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_topic() |
Display the contents of a specific topic ID in an output buffer and return to ensure that post/page contents are displayed first. |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_topic_form() |
Display the topic form in an output buffer and return to ensure post/page contents are displayed first. |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_topic_index() |
Display an index of all visible root level topics in an output buffer and return to ensure that post/page contents are displayed first. |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_topic_index_query() |
Filter the query for the topic index |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_topic_tag_form() |
Display the contents of a specific topic tag in an output buffer and return to ensure that post/page contents are displayed first. |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_topic_tags() |
Display a tag cloud of all topic tags in an output buffer and return to ensure that post/page contents are displayed first. |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_topics_of_tag() |
Display the contents of a specific topic tag in an output buffer and return to ensure that post/page contents are displayed first. |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_topics_of_tag_query() |
Filter the query for topic tags |
BBP_Shortcodes::display_view() |
Display the contents of a specific view in an output buffer and return to ensure that post/page contents are displayed first. |
BBP_Shortcodes::end() |
Return the contents of the output buffer and flush its contents. |
BBP_Shortcodes::setup_globals() |
Shortcode globals |
BBP_Shortcodes::start() |
Start an output buffer. |
BBP_Shortcodes::unset_globals() |
Unset some globals in the $bbp object that hold query related info |
BBP_Skip_Children::__construct() |
Hook into the ‘pre_post_update’ action. |
BBP_Skip_Children::pre_post_update() |
Only clean post caches for main Forums posts. |
BBP_Skip_Children::restore_cache_invalidation() |
Restore the cache invalidation to its previous value. |
BBP_Skip_Children::skip_related_posts() |
Skip cache invalidation of related posts if the post ID being invalidated is not the one that was just updated. |
BBP_Stats_Widget::__construct() |
Forums Stats Widget |
BBP_Stats_Widget::form() |
Output the stats widget options form |
BBP_Stats_Widget::parse_settings() |
Merge the widget settings into defaults array. |
BBP_Stats_Widget::register_widget() |
Register the widget |
BBP_Stats_Widget::update() |
Update the stats widget options |
BBP_Stats_Widget::widget() |
Displays the output, the statistics |
BBP_Theme_Compat::__construct() |
Pass the $properties to the object on creation. |
BBP_Theme_Compat::__get() |
Get a theme’s property. |
BBP_Theme_Compat::__set() |
Set a theme’s property. |
BBP_Topics_Admin::__construct() |
The main Forums topics admin loader |
BBP_Topics_Admin::admin_head() |
Add some general styling to the admin area |
BBP_Topics_Admin::attributes_metabox() |
Add the topic attributes metabox |
BBP_Topics_Admin::attributes_metabox_save() |
Pass the topic attributes for processing |
BBP_Topics_Admin::author_metabox() |
Add the author info metabox |
BBP_Topics_Admin::bail() |
Should we bail out of this method? |
BBP_Topics_Admin::column_data() |
Print extra columns for the topics page |
BBP_Topics_Admin::column_headers() |
Manage the column headers for the topics page |
BBP_Topics_Admin::edit_help() |
Contextual help for Forums topic edit page |
BBP_Topics_Admin::filter_dropdown() |
Add forum dropdown to topic and reply list table filters |