@since: BuddyPress 1.5.0 |
Description |
bp_{$this->id}_includes |
Fires at the end of the includes method inside BP_Component. |
BP_Component::setup_actions() |
Set up the actions. |
BP_Component |
BuddyPress Component Class. |
BP_Component::start() |
Component loader. |
BP_Component::setup_globals() |
Set up component global variables. |
bp_{$this->id}_slug |
Filters the slug to be used for the permalink URI chunk after root. |
bp_{$this->id}_root_slug |
Filters the slug used for root directory. |
bp_{$this->id}_has_directory |
Filters the component’s top-level directory if available. |
bp_{$this->id}_search_string |
Filters the placeholder text for search inputs for component. |
bp_{$this->id}_notification_callback |
Filters the callable function that formats the component’s notifications. |