@since: BuddyPress 1.5.0 |
Description |
BP_Blogs_Component::setup_globals() |
Set up global settings for the blogs component. |
bp_blogs_record_post_post_types |
Filters the post types to track for the Blogs component. |
blog_loop_start |
Fires if on the first blog in the loop. |
bp_blogs_screen_index |
Fires right before the loading of the top-level Blogs screen template file. |
blog_loop_end |
Fires right before the rewinding of blogs listing after all are shown. |
bp_xprofile_new_avatar_user_id |
Filters the user ID when a user has uploaded a new avatar. |
bp_setup_blogs() |
Set up the bp-blogs component. |
xprofile_filter_kses() |
Run profile field values through kses with filterable allowed tags. |
xprofile_allowed_tags |
Filters the allowed tags for use within xprofile_filter_kses(). |
xprofile_filtered_data_value_before_save |
Filters the kses-filtered data before saving to database. |