@since: BuddyPress 1.6.0 |
Description |
bp_core_check_for_flood() |
Check for flooding. |
bp_core_check_for_moderation() |
Check for moderation keys and too many links. |
bp_{$this->id}_global_tables |
Filters the global tables for the component, so that it may use WordPress’ database API. |
bp_core_admin_common_css |
Filters the BuddyBoss Core Admin CSS file path. |
BP_Admin::register_admin_settings() |
Register the settings. |
BP_Admin::register_admin_integrations() |
Register the integrations. |
BP_Admin::modify_plugin_action_links() |
Add Settings link to plugins area. |
BP_Admin::admin_head() |
Add some general styling to the admin area. |
BP_Admin::enqueue_scripts() |
Add some general styling to the admin area. |
BP_Admin |
Load BuddyPress plugin admin area. |