@since: BuddyPress 2.0.0 |
Description |
BP_Members_List_Table::get_sortable_columns() |
The columns signups can be reordered with. |
BP_Members_List_Table::display_rows() |
Display signups rows. |
BP_Members_List_Table::single_row() |
Display a signup row. |
BP_Members_List_Table::column_cb() |
Markup for the checkbox used to select items for bulk actions. |
bp_friends_prefetch_activity_object_data() |
Fetch data related to friended users at the beginning of an activity loop. |
bp_friends_format_activity_action_friendship_accepted() |
Format ‘friendship_accepted’ activity actions. |
bp_friends_format_activity_action_friendship_accepted |
Filters the ‘friendship_accepted’ activity action format. |
bp_friends_format_activity_action_friendship_created() |
Format ‘friendship_created’ activity actions. |
bp_friends_format_activity_action_friendship_created |
Filters the ‘friendship_created’ activity action format. |
bp_friends_clear_request_cache() |
Clear the friend request cache for the user not initiating the friendship. |