@since: BuddyPress 2.0.0 |
Description |
bp_core_admin_user_spammed_js() |
Inline script that adds the ‘site-spammed’ class to spammed users. |
bp_admin_setting_callback_enable_activity_autoload() |
Automatically load more activity posts when scrolling to the bottom of the page. |
bp_admin_setting_callback_heartbeat() |
Allow Heartbeat to refresh activity stream. |
bp_core_maybe_install_signups() |
Check if the signups table needs to be created or upgraded. |
bp_update_to_2_0() |
2.0 update routine. |
bp_blogs_catch_transition_post_status() |
Detect a change in post status, and initiate an activity update if necessary. |
bp_blogs_update_post() |
Updates a blog post’s corresponding activity entry during a post edit. |
bp_xprofile_format_activity_action_new_member() |
Format ‘new_member’ activity actions. |
wp_new_user_notification() |
Email login credentials to a newly-registered user. |
bp_is_blogs_directory() |
Is the current page the blogs directory ? |