@since: BuddyPress 2.3.0 |
Description |
BP_XProfile_Field::is_default_field() |
Return if a field ID is the default field. |
xprofile_field_before_contentbox |
Fires before XProfile Field content metabox. |
BP_XProfile_Field::submit_metabox() |
Private method used to display the submit metabox. |
xprofile_admin_screen() |
Output the main XProfile management screen. |
bp_get_the_message_star_action_link |
Filters the star action link, including markup. |
bp_messages_star_set_action() |
Save or delete star message meta according to a message’s star status. |
bp_messages_star_enqueue_scripts() |
Enqueues the dashicons font. |
bp_messages_star_bulk_management_dropdown() |
Add the “Add star” and “Remove star” options to the bulk management list. |
bp_messages_star_message_css_class() |
Add CSS class for the current message depending on starred status. |
bp_messages_filter_starred_message_threads() |
Filter message threads by those starred by the logged-in user. |