@since: BuddyPress 3.0.0 |
Description |
bp_nouveau_get_hooked_member_meta() |
Catch the content hooked to the do_action hooks in single member header and in the members loop. |
bp_nouveau_member_locate_template_part() |
Locate a single member template into a specific hierarchy. |
bp_nouveau_member_locate_template_part |
Filters the found template parts for the member template part locating functionality. |
bp_nouveau_member_get_template_part() |
Load a single member template part |
bp_nouveau_member_is_home_widgets() |
Are we inside the Current user’s default front page sidebar? |
bp_nouveau_member_activity_widget_overrides() |
Filter the Latest activities Widget to only keep the one of displayed user |
BP_Nouveau_Members::setup_filters() |
Register add_filter() hooks |
BP_Nouveau_Follow::__construct() |
Constructor |
BP_Nouveau_Follow::setup_globals() |
Globals |
BP_Nouveau_Follow::includes() |
Include needed files |