
Newbeings 1619 is America's preeminent Black-owned social network. Socialize with family & friends. Make new friends. Learn new topics. Enter an ecosystem of upliftment.

Connect with friends and family, make new friends, stay abreast of what's happening, learn about new technology as well as where the next party will take place! Be the highest expression of yourself in an ecosystem where Black people, businesses, entertainment, politics, health, love, unity, healing, social issues, concerns, and interests are prioritized and not an afterthought.


Create your profile with your photo and a header.

Social Groups

Join groups groups that range from deep and profound to light and hilarious. Post in the group timeline, participate in forum discussions, view other group members. Or join no groups at all. It's your choice.

Member Connections

View other members, request to add members as friends, like and comment on their posts.

Private Messaging

Private messages can be sent to one member or a group of members.

Activity Feed

Share your thoughts and media on global, personal, and group activity feeds with threaded commenting, direct posting, @mentions, and push notifications support.

Albums And Media

You can upload media on the activity feed and forums. You can share media from your phone, on the go.


Take a course on an array of topics and discuss what you learned with other members.

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