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  • #71637

    In reply to: demo import


    I allow myself to raise the subject because I have the same problem, not import the social marketplace demo after import xml file I have the following message (after 30 seconds)

      “Service Temporarily Unavailable The server is temporarily Unable to serve your request due to downtime or capacity problems Service. Please try again later.”

    After They Told me this: “This file is empty Please send something more substantial businesses This error aussi May be due to disabling file sending in your php.ini on server, gold post_max_size value lower than upload_max_filesize in the php.ini Sami… ”

      I can not find php.ini file in my FTP, by cons I change my wp-config.php, I change the value
    define ( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '100M');

    How to solve the problem please?

    ps: Sorry for my language, I speak with a google translation (I’m French)


    In reply to: unable to post photos


    I am having this same issue. See attached. My file size upload limit is 64mb in php and I am uploading jpeg files from my iphone and web and the plugin is still not uploading photos to the wall.

    What’s going on guys? Please take a look into my site.




    Still waiting for a response to this questions 🙂 I upped by file size and post size limit to 64mb but for some reason I am only able to upload photos smaller than 2mb to the project content and cover page. Anything over 2mb is not uploading. How can I fix this to allow any size file to be uploaded?

    Thanks guys! Really appreciate all your help!


    In reply to: Limit upload size


    I’m bringing this topic back to the front. I just installed Media and was very surprised that there is no ability to limit the upload sizes. Please consider adding this option in the next release. It’s pretty important. 🙂



    In reply to: demo import


    Hi @bruce7075, You need to increase the maximum file upload size in WordPress.

    In php.ini file, change the parameter to whatever size you need (example: )
    upload_max_filesize = 32M
    post_max_size = 32M


    add this to top of wp-config.php
    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');



    Hi @kostasf,
    You need to communicate with your host to increase upload limit, by default it’s 2MB, and Boss theme zip size is greater than it.
    You can also upload Boss theme via ftp.


    In reply to: Limit upload size


    Hi @john-davenport,

    Sorry , Media Plugin do not have any upload limit option at present. You can limit you max upload limit using you php configuration
    upload_max_filesize = 32M
    inside php.ini if you need to limit upto 32MB

    Varun Dubey


    I was able to fix this. It was an issue with the upload size limit.


    In reply to: Image Sizes In Project


    Hi @attrell, Thanks for your feedback
    We have not set for image size limit, you can upload high resolution images easily
    may be your php upload limit will be default 2mb that why you are not able to upload bigger images , please check your php upload limit once
    Varun Dubey


    Using the latest update 3.1.1, I was still able to upload an image that is 5000px by 3660px and 3.6 MBs in size. That image was in turn loaded and displayed at full resolution in the image lightbox to my desktop browser.

    Again, Facebook limits displayed resolution to 2048px wide which would be more reasonable.


    Hi @gdecuir, There is not plugin to auto resize the uploaded image, you can increase the upload limit from your php configuration
    You can check following thread for hiding specific member ids

    Varun Dubey


    Hi @rams_mohan, Welcome to BuddyBoss Community
    Seems your upload limit is less than 5mb, please increase it from your server end.

    Create or Edit an existing PHP.INI file

    you will not see a php.ini file in your directory. If you do not see one, then create a file called php.ini and upload it in the root folder. In that file add the following code:

    upload_max_filesize = 64M
    post_max_size = 64M
    max_execution_time = 300

    else you can also upload theme theme with the help of ftp or filemanager.
    Varun Dubey


    In reply to: Cover image dimensions


    This is still an issue and really needs to be fixed as the cover photo I uploaded was way to big but there were no prompts. The cover photo feature is pretty useless without this. Ideally there should be an option to auto-resize the photo you are uploading.

    Also, on some photos I’m trying to upload I’m getting the error message “Error: File Size Error”. Is this related to the above or is this to do with the file size of the photo in terms of megabytes? If the latter, what are the file size limits in terms of megabytes for the uploads?




    Is there a way to limit file size of the upload? So, not albums, or photo limits, rather a limit to the size file someone can upload. I have a technologically unconscious community and sometimes the file size is 6MB for one image.


    In reply to: Pictures


    @hugblue easiest solution is this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/imsanity/
    Otherwise search this page for different answers: https://www.buddyboss.com/support-forums/search/?bbp_search=limit+upload+size

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