BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Plugins BuddyBoss Media 3.0.6 Version Multisite

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    @wrkazigmail we are working on this right now, hopefully will release the fix this evening




    @rotju @eric @wrkazigmail we updated the plugin last night. Please let me know if this issue is still not resolved.


    The Media Gallery is causing a lot of issues in the jquery folder. It seems because all of the files are minified in there. Was this due to the update. Since the Update I cannot use plugin that uloads to external Cloud server and calls jquery because it cannot read the minified files. Any news, I too have multisite wp 4.3 and was told to go ahead and network update but…



    @rodonnell sorry I neglected to respond, we are working on the issue. Many of the devs are at WordCamp this week and they should get on this when returning. What cloud service are you using?


    Box Enterprise TJ.. Thanks.


    i was on vacation, will now test the latest version 3.0.7


    does it still need to be network activated to work?


    Hi Eric,

    Thank you for your kind response.. It was meant to be trust me.. I just ran into a hack yesterday, deleted backup off Root, verified. I’m fine though. Prior, I can’t get Activity Wall or all the wonderful Activity I had to display. I cant post either or see when people joined. I really would like this and I can’t see my sites on blog.. that is another staple. I’m sure you can help.

    Thank you very much

    lss the dude


    @rodonnell yep, i also had some jquery conflicts with another theme which runs on another site of my multisite config

    @tjchester multisite issue is still not solved, right? doesn´t work on my site if it is only activated at the buddypress blog (main) site of the multisite installation 🙁


    @eric had it working network activated, am running multi-net, yet needed to sacrifice another. jquery and seems to be minification. This is new, got to figure out the Activity Wall. What am missing w blog/ sites not appearing? Thnx


    Found it, all pages needed to be assigned, but needed blog page. All knocked down. Oh well. Will gladly be here to contribute to discussion of multi.. I know I have info that would prove useful… very nice config..


    Any update on the Multisite config going into the weekend @eric @tjchester


    I just updated to 3.0.7 and unfortunately its not working when just activated on the main site. It only works when network activated. But then all the subsites get the message:

    BuddyBoss Media: Please Migrate your Database Click Here.

    Plus all the subsites will also have BBMedia settings in their menu.


    same here. still the old problem. 🙁
    any idea for an replacement?


    https://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress-media/ have shifted to this for multisite

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