BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes OneSocial theme admin-ajax.php SLOWING down my site

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    Hi everyone,

    I saw this amazing ressources here => https://www.buddyboss.com/tutorials/caching-buddypress/ but as Michael Eisenwasser stated, it’s outdated now 🙁

    Annd now i’ve just launched my new site and now i’m trying to optimize it a bit.
    I saw on all my waterfall (http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/#!/cAIaju/http://blog.take-me-home.org/ & GT metrix…) that i got a MASSIVE usage of admin-ajax.php that’s slowing down OneSocial.

    Do you have any tips & tricks for helping me on this point ?
    Thanks a lot.

    PS : i’m not sure the options on OneSOcial panel “Minimify CCS + JS” is really working. I still got lot of warning about minimifying CSS and JS on each speed test 🙁



    U UP 🙂


    Hi @jeffghost , i’ll answer you with some advices…

    1- if your site is not bogus, do not try to debug it. optimizing a tool that is already optimized does not help a thing. adding a optimizer or a cache engine will help nothing if your site is not having downtimes or is not crashing your server.

    2- ping is not a diagnostic tool.

    3- any admin file will load the diagnostics engines because they do not have access to the adminCP.

    4- if you want to cache your wordpress outside of your hosting cache, use one of the well known caching plugins like https://wordpress.org/plugins/w3-total-cache/

    5- if your site load its pages in less than 5 seconds, your site is not bugged…

    6- if your host suggest you to move to a bigger bundle because of your serverload or pageload, move to a different host, they just try to make money on your back. and no, caching your wordpress will not enhance your navigation, it will simply add more files so your host can tell that your limit is reached.

    7- your site is just ok from what i see… go on, it is cool


    Hi @jeanpierre

    Thx a lot for your time, and advices.

    I’m always looking to have the “best numbers” possible on all the page speed tools but…it might be a stupid chase.

    SO i’ll take all of your advices, and let my site like it is now, traffic is flowing just as espected, and everything is fine on the hosting side. SO i’ll leave it like this.

    Maybe will install W3 Total cache, but still afraid to use it with buddypress. So thanks a lot for your advices. Truly appreciate.



    Thanks @jeanpierre
    Hi @jeffghost you can also use cdn services to increase the numbers in page speeds

    Theme Minify option are just for theme js and css file. It do not minify other active plugin files.

    Varun Dubey


    I would also like to add that since switching from BuddyBoss theme to OneSocial theme there are a “MASSIVE usage of admin-ajax.php that’s slowing down OneSocial.” @jeffghost I had Buddyboss optimize my website and the ajax issue still remains. It’s a theme issue.

    Can OneSocial look into better optimizing the theme to reduce this heavy load?


    @optimystic THx for mentionning, too bad to read this. Maybe we should tag someone from the dev team to see if they can take a deeper look at this.



    Hi @optimystic You can try following plugin to reduce ajax call for logout users.
    If you have further questions please submit request using our ticket system and our support staff will take care of it.

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